Inspirational Coaching Minute

Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

What are you afraid of?

What is holding you back from moving forward?

Click the comment link below to share with me what you are afraid of today. Β I want to pray for you!

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21 thoughts on “Inspirational Coaching Minute

  1. I battle with fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of letting others down, the list goes on and on.

    Perfect love casts out fear. The enemy is trying his best to entrap me in fear but I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!

    • Janet, I can relate to all those fears. Transformation takes place when we apply God’s truths to our lives. One example of application for me is to meditate on a verse when I’m feeling fearful.

  2. What I am more afraid of is that Warren will not find a new job and we will have to continue living on food stamps and Daniel will have the only health coverage in the house hold. I am also afraid that we will lose our home and all that we have in it. This is coming from the heart today and thanks for praying.

  3. I absolutely love that verse; but I am so afraid of being judged or looking stupid. I always feel so alone because of my self doubt – I have no friends because of my fear of reaching out to others and failing miserably – I really need your help!!

    • Brenda, what helps me overcome my fear is to look at the situation from God’s perspective instead of my perspective. When I remove myself and put God at the center it takes the pressure off of me to perform. The next time you reach out to someone, let it be about how you can share Christ with them by loving or serving them. Then a relationship can develop naturally and authentically.

  4. What are you afraid of?
    I have to say my fears are of not knowing what lies ahead with my current employer. Right now I am just stressed out about work related issues. I hear all kinds of gossip and witness upper management playing others against each other and that really bothers me, not because it involves me but because that is just so unprofessional and evil.

    What is holding you back from moving forward?
    Because of my current situation at work I am looking for employment elsewhere and I have been having interviews and taking test. I know there are better things for me in my future for me to advance in my career. I also need to study for one more test and this test if really hard because i dont have much work experience for this test but i can learn it more by studying and i just havent done it which i must take it by 2014 and pass it.

    thank you for sharing this verse i will write it down and carry it with me.


  5. Linda, I can totally relate to Janet, I fear the unknown. I’m trying to let go of the need to control things. I know God is in total control, but sometimes I think he needs my help! I think my biggest problem is if I can control every situation, I won’t get hurt, disappointed, face failure, etc.
    Right now, I’m fearing my future as far as in the workforce. I’m 30 and have not a clue what I want to do! I have a finance degree and hate everything about it! Go figure! Before having surgery, I volunteered at my church. I felt such peace and so happy! I’ve been feeling drawn to doing something in the ministry… But what?! Even though I have the desire, will I be good at it? Do I know the bible enough? How do I even begin? Sigh…. I’m trying not to let the fear of not knowing stop me from trying.

    • Courtney, Have you taken a Spiritual Gifts assessment? I want to encourage you not to turn your back on this idea of ministry, but to embrace it. Find out what your strengths and gifts are and start moving forward. You have so much to offer. You can do it! When God calls us, he will equip us. πŸ™‚

  6. Hi Linda,
    I love this verse. I guess my fears are of what is ahead of me or what is “before me”… if that makes any sense. My future?? The unknown? I start “future tripping” and adding in my “what if’s”. Pretty soon I am sabotaging, defeating and discouraging not only myself but the people that I love that surround me. Down deep I know that my relationship with God is strong and bold and I should be courageous. Because when I am weak and the situations around me remind me of the patterns of my life before Christ, I am shaken by this overwhelming desire to shrivel back in my hole. This is when my walk with God is tested. This verse states. He will never leave me nor forsake me. I will have no fear for my future. It is in Gods hands. I must live today in it’s fullest capacity. I cannot shrivel back into my old ways. God has a perfect plan for my life. I will follow Him where ever He has asked me to go. I cannot be afraid any longer: discouragement will be turned into encouragement. Thank you Linda

    • Kristin, I understand completely where you are coming from. I’m currently working on REALLY applying God’s word to my life daily and actually believing it. I want to challenge you to come up with a few ways to apply scripture to your daily life. Let’s talk about this πŸ™‚

  7. I really need to soak in this scripture I am fearful of moving forward period I have been so comfortable with being stuck that I get those fearful moments but I know that God has something better for me and even though I cant see it I need to stay focus on him and remember he is always with me and will never give me something I cant handle. I have been asked to lead a group but I do feel not worthy because I am still dealing with issues but I feel that this is where God wants to continue my healing process so I need not be afraid and just go with it in the name of Jesus! Thank you for the word of encourgment.

    • Heidi, I believe in you and you will be an awesome group leader! Most times we have to step out in faith and move before we see change and progress in our lives. You know, walk by faith not by sight. Go for it girl! God has your back πŸ™‚

  8. Thank you for inspiring me! The more time I spend in quiet time and in Gods,s word the less fear I experience. Fear can be paralyzingly but not as powerful as prayer.

  9. Wow, I feel the same as Janet. I’ve been battling fear the past two years, ands its so upsetting. Its not just one fear, its so consuming! Fear of unknown, fear of change, fear of bad things happening, fear of not being good enough, fear of not parenting well, fear of not being a good wife or appealing enough for my husband, etc. also. And the enemy keeps trying to keep me down also with all these fears. I’ve been working on it with our Gracious Lord and he’s brought me through a lot, especially as I focus on certian verses when I’m feeling fearful, but I just wish I didn’t have to battle it SO much. Thanks so much for your prayers. I’ll be praying for you both as well. πŸ™‚

    • Missy, I am learning to claim VICTORY over my life daily and not give into fear. I want to encourage you to join me in saying daily the battle is won because of the awesome power of Christ Jesus that lives inside of me. This is not a one time thing, but something we must speak over and over throughout each and every day! Thank you so much for commenting and praying!!

  10. Linda, once again, Wow! I love the scripture and your insights. I question myself so often. I needed this beautiful, gentle reminder.

    • Beth, It is so comforting to know we are not alone in our fears. I’m reassured by everyone’s comments that they too struggle with fear, however we all are coming together as one to claim God’s truth in our lives. We must remember to be intentional every day to fight our spiritual battles with God’s word. Thank you for commenting!

  11. I too battle fear. I so long to know the peace of fully believing God is in control

  12. Hi Linda, this verse really touch me today. Please pray for me, every day I am just afraid about anything (My Future, my financial situation, my work, my kids, my family, my part time study, what other people think of me, what will bad people do to me or my family, my current situation, etc). I really have no idea what will happen to my future this things really make me stress sometime. Thanks again for your reminding and i will keep this verse and read it whenever I’m feel afraid.

  13. Love the scripture and your inspirational moment video. Needed that today. I want to reconnect for some sessions. Could you please check your schedule and get in touch with me about a time. Thanks for the encouraging word.

  14. Linda, although I have many fears that I battle on a daily basis, my #1 fear is of driving. It used to be just on freeways but now seems to be even normal street roads too. I have two children and it’s making my life so difficult for them and me. I know that I can do all things through Christ who is my strength, but my confidence in driving is just gone. Please pray! Thank you!

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