

What are you desperate for?

I can tell you what I’m desperate for, simply being content with me!

I struggle all to often trying to be something I’m not.  I came to that “aha” moment just this week as I was talking with my life coach.  I discovered that I have been trying to be anything and everything else but ME!

There’s not one particular person I’m trying to be like, rather it’s that image social media tells us we should be.  We are constantly engaged on the Internet and overwhelmed with the latest and greatest expert on any given subject.  And the more I learn from these remarkable influences, there’s a little recording that plays in the back of my mind repeating, ”You’ll never be as good as them, who do you think you are, do you really think you have something to offer?”

My heart has been in the right place all along, to love and encourage women to achieve God’s purpose in their lives. My mind however has been overwhelmed with comparison of the next best thing out in social media land.

Jesus said in John 15:7, If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.

Truth be told, I’ve been asking whatever I wish and not seeing the results come thru.


Because I’ve been remaining in the world’s standards instead of remaining in Christ.  My thoughts have been focused on what others are doing instead of what God is doing in me.  Surprisingly enough after grasping the concept of this truth and remaining in Christ, I now feel content with ME!  Isn’t it funny when we actually apply scripture to our lives it really does work!

What have you been desperately asking God for and not receiving?

Who will you choose to remain in?

Click the comment link below and share your thoughts with me.  I love hearing from you and how I can pray for you!  And also knowing I’m not alone in this crazy thing called life 🙂

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Linda Kuhar, Women’s Christian Life Coach at 


11 thoughts on “Desperate

  1. Oh my goodness, Linda. This is me (and probably thousands upon thousands of other women). Social media can be so good but it can also be so bad if we use what we find there for the wrong purposes or allow it to dictate how we feel, who we are, and what our value is. I am currently on a two week sabbatical from all social media and God is speaking to my heart. So much of what is found online is a distorted reality or only a version of the truth. I want what is real and I want to offer reality with the image I display. When you said, “Because I’ve been remaining in the world’s standards instead of remaining in Christ. My thoughts have been focused on what others are doing instead of what God is doing in me,” I was completely convicted by the Holy Spirit. Thank you for always sharing truth. What a blessing it is to do life and ministry with you. Love, Shelly xo

  2. Hi Linda, I am desperately praying for a job and dealing with my self esteem issues. About 10 months ago, my husband and I moved from Alabama to Texas for his job. I had to quit my job, which paid well by the way. I have yet to find a job after submitting 100+ applications. I’ve only had 3 interviews. This makes me feel something is wrong with me and I’m not good enough. These irrational thoughts pushed me into a depressed state and I tried to commit suicide. After being hospitalized for 10 days, I found The Lord where I left him. I left him when I forgot Psalm 139:14, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I forgot Jeremiah 29:11, he has plans to prosper me and not harm me. I forgot about Romans 8:28, all things work together for those who love Him. I guess you could say I let society dictate what and where I thought I should be. I’m 30. No career. To put the icing on the cake, I can’t have children! I had endometriosis for 10 years and had a hysterectomy last month. And, I’ve only been married a year! That didn’t help the self esteem thing! Even though we have insurance, I’m still racking up doctors bills. And did I mention my student loans are due? We sold one vehicle to cut on cost, but its a headache for two people to share one car in a city big as Dallas. I’m just a mess right now and need peace! The only things that have brought me comfort are God, my church, P31 ministry, and my husband. I’m finding my passion to be I the ministry, but I have no idea where. Plus, there’s really not any paying positions in churches here. I do volunteer my time to my church, and love it. I want to keep doing that and maybe God will find me a home there and what I supposed to be doing.

  3. My prayer is that you see yourself the way I have come to see you over the short few months we’ve been talking together. You direct me to the Lord and keep me focused and keep my mind on looking for God’s word in my life and not on the world. Sometimes we’re so hard on ourselves we miss the work God is really doing through us. Me personally, I’m desparately looking for a miracle in my life right now that only God can do as I go once more to court up against a bank who thinks they are Sovereign. I long to experience God’s presence and power and watch him turn my weeping into dancing. He alone is Sovereign and I’m waiting and watching for Him to put the bank to shame for their injustice and put them under His feet.

    • Randi, Thank you beyond words for consistently encouraging me! You are such a blessing from God 🙂

  4. I am asking God for confidence in doing this job. I am trying to remain in him.

  5. I have been reviewing my hurts and seeing that I do compare myself to people so much and not believing who God created me to be. I thank God for the women he has put in my path to make me see that and for God to bring it to my attention that he made and new before I was even born that I am special to him he crafted me they way he wanted me to be I dont need to compare because my father in heaven loves me so much but it with today world like how you said i do get caught up in the comparing and the wanting what other people have I just have to remember and keep saying God’s word in my heart and mind.

    • Thank you for your open and honest heart Heidi. We all struggle with comparison more often than not. We all have to stay intentionally focused on Jesus so that comparison thing doesn’t creep in. Thank you again!!

  6. Linda, I just had this very conversation with myself today! I found myself comparing me with other people and coming up the loser. I finally just rebuked Satan and these thoughts and chose to compare myself only with Jesus and with my own personal potential. The Lord wants me to be like Him and to be all I can be. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Maybe I’m not desperate enough just yet. Maybe that’s why I haven’t really asked God to help. I put out a random prayer now and then. I’m on some anti anxiety meds and doing well. With a change in assignments at work, my life has improved vastly ( thanking God for prayers answered). My doc and I started to wean me off one of them, and two days totally off, I am feeling great. Then, yesterday, a minor incident at work had me in a self involved pity party. Once I got home the tears came and wouldn’t stop. BUT, the first thing I did was cry out to Jesus for help in my desperate time of need. My admin at work called, explained the situation and miscommunication, she texted a few other about it and at midnight sent me an email to apologize for not being more clear about assignments. So The Lord intervened and made the situation better and all is well there. But I struggle with the inner thoughts that I want off these meds. I am a nurse and I never make judgements about patients who may be on any variety or type of antidepressant or anti anxiety med; but in my mind I should have enough faith in God to take care of these worries. I see my doc Tuesday and we will talk about it. I’m sure I will be back on the one med I just stopped. Maybe I’m rambling, but I feel If my faith were stronger, I wouldn’t need the meds. On the other hand, I understand brain chemistry and some of us need these things.

  8. I’m desperate for healing for my son. For myself, I want an abudant life lived without constant fear of the future. I yearn to be the Proverbs 31 woman who laughs at the future knowing she’s protected and covered in God’s mercy and strength.

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