Got Confidence?


How confident are you that you are living the life you were created for?

I want to share something that is actually pretty embarrassing to admit.  When I became a Christian Life Coach 3 years ago, I was stuffed full of insecurity, doubt and fear.  I questioned myself daily for months and months deliberating if I was really “good enough” to be a Christian Life Coach.  I would cry myself to sleep (sometimes even in the middle of the day) while struggling to put one foot in front of the other to build my coaching business.  I wasted many hours circling uncertainty in my mind.

As I think over the lack of confidence I struggle with at different times in my life, I’m reminded of Isaiah 55:10-11

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. 

This scripture shows us where we can find our confidence.  When we read and speak scripture over our lives it will accomplish God’s purpose for us always because he promises it will not return to him void.

I’ve seen this truth come alive in my personal life time and time again, as well as with my coaching clients.

I want to encourage you again to start praying God’s word immediately.  Click the comment link below and let me know if you’ve done this before or if you’re ready to start. I love hearing from all my readers!

*On Tuesday’s Inspirational Coaching Minute I asked you to leave a comment if you would like a prayer partner.   Please make sure you check the notification button to receive a response.  You might want to include your first and last name so you can meet on Facebook too.  I love seeing how you are connecting with each other. The purpose for my blog is to be a place of divine connections and acceptance among women. Thank you for hanging out with me here and sharing!! ((Hugs))

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19 thoughts on “Got Confidence?

  1. Time and time again I have looked back on painful times only to realize that God was directing me to something better. I can get so caught up in details that I lose sight of the big picture. It’s the quiet times with Him that remind me to stop and listen to His gentle reminders of His presence and involvement in our daily lives. If someone is still looking for a prayer partner, I’m Hope Weeks Aylor on Facebook and would be happy to pray with and for you.

  2. It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only one who suffers a lack of confidence, at times. I needed to pray Isaiah 55:10-11 today. Thank you for being so honest in your message and giving me a nudge. Much appreciated!

    • Phyllis, thank you for commenting. My hope is that through being completely open with all my readers they too will find reassurance through Christ in their life. Blessings to you my friend~

  3. Confidence?I sometimes I feel I have it and other times I am not sure then I maybe looking on my email or even my facebook page and there is a verse or something posted and its something I believe I am meant to read because it does boost me up.
    Always at the right time on time

  4. Thank you Linda, l’m fledgling when it comes to bible study. Oh I had the whole Christian experience when was a kid and teen , but then life got in the way. College, husband ( non practicing catholic, which made it hard because im not Catholic), and then career and kids. I mabe some bad choices and some bad things happen during those long years away from God. He’s so patient with his children. He has called me back so many times and I ignored the call. Until about 4 months ago. It’s not that I stopped believing, I just chose the wrong path and He just kept gently, loving guiding me back.
    I praise my Heavenly Father, Son and Holy Spirit for bringing back into the fold. Thank you, Amen

    • Thank you Teri for sharing. I love hearing how faithful God has been in your life. It’s reassuring to hear your story. Blessings~

  5. Confidence I would love to have a prayer partner, I have confidence in my prayers for others but, I really struggle with having confidence in myself and the field I stepped back into last year I really need it. I want to make such a difference in my life and the lives of others. I just need to start with myself!

  6. Hi Linda! I would love to have a prayer partner! I still struggle in that area. When I pray to God, I talk to Him like I would talk to my Bestie! However, I often wonder am I doing it right? I mean, is it a proper protocol? I know it sound silly, I want to come correct to The Lord. I’m starting to incorporate scripture in my prayers, but sometimes fumble over the words. I really want to get stronger in the area of praying.

  7. Linda, I have been advocating for children and their families for over 20 years. When I began to learn that this is my calling from God and that I am truly serving Him as I carry out His plan for me, as I rely on His strength and trust in the Lord, as I pray His Word and believe His promises to me, to prosper me and not to harm me, as I share His blessing of a hope and a future, my heart is confident in Him! I am confident in my Lord, Jesus Christ! Through His Holy Spirit I have the confidence to pray rather than doubt, to rest in Him when I am weary, to follow the Way, the Truth, and the Life! Through Him all things are possible! I know I am not perfect but I trust in the only One who is, God! I would like to say that it was and is through Proverbs31 Ministries women that I have learned so much more about my relationship with the Lord through the daily devotions, the blog posts, the OBSs, and the encouragement to seek Him through His Word that has helped me by His grace, love and mercy to be confident and resolved to serve Him according to His plans for me! Thank you all! God bless!

  8. Confidence, no matter our age we all seem to struggle with this; how we come across to others and most importantly to our Heavenly Father. Although I have been walking with the Lord for several years my prayer life is lacking. There are times I feel He and I really connect, then others I am at a lost for words, I would love to have a prayer partner.

  9. I have to admit that for me it has been embarrassing dealing with insecurity, doubt and fear due to child hood past/ generational strongholds. Its not unitl really now that I am facing this face on and not looking back for the best is yet to come. Man I have wasted time circling around uncertainty, insecurtiy, doubt and fear to say the least. there have been many times I have cryed myself to sleep or as you said Linda even in the middle of the day, So glad I am not along on this entire story. However I am so glad that strongholds have been broken and there is so much more to be done. I am remined of a couple of scriptures one of which is the NLT translation in Psalm 94:19 When doubt filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer. I would love to have a prayer partner and look forward to reading more of your blogs. I am so glad that I am not the only woman who faces obstacles and can have other woman who would stand in the gap and pray on my behlaf.

  10. As I read the post of Linda and many others this songs came to mind. Hope you all enjoy

    He’s awakening the hope in me
    By calling forth my destiny
    He’s breathing life into my soul
    I will thirst for Him, and him alone
    He has come like the rain
    That showers on the barren plain
    So my heart and tongue confess
    Jesus Christ, the hope of man

    My hope is in you, God
    I am steadfast, I will not be moved
    I’m anchored, never shaken
    All my hope is in you

    He’s bringing hope to the hopeless
    And giving his heart to the broken
    And sharing his home with the orphan
    He is the joy, He is my joy
    He is the hope of the nations
    The Father’s heart we’re embracing
    He is the song we’re declaring
    He is the joy, He is my joy
    You’re bringing hope to the hopeless
    And giving your heart to the broken
    And sharing your home with the orphan
    You are the joy, You are my joy
    You are the hope of the nations
    The Father’s heart we’re embracing
    You are the song we’re declaring
    You are the joy, You are my joy
    Why so downcast oh, oh my soul
    Put your hope in God alone

    • Thank you Teri for sharing. I love hearing how faithful God has been in your life. It’s reassuring to hear your story. Blessings~

  11. As I read Linda blog and read other post I thought of this song. I hope you all enjoy it as much as it has bless me.

    He’s awakening the hope in me
    By calling forth my destiny
    He’s breathing life into my soul
    I will thirst for Him, and him alone
    He has come like the rain
    That showers on the barren plain
    So my heart and tongue confess
    Jesus Christ, the hope of man

    My hope is in you, God
    I am steadfast, I will not be moved
    I’m anchored, never shaken
    All my hope is in you

    He’s bringing hope to the hopeless
    And giving his heart to the broken
    And sharing his home with the orphan
    He is the joy, He is my joy
    He is the hope of the nations
    The Father’s heart we’re embracing
    He is the song we’re declaring
    He is the joy, He is my joy
    You’re bringing hope to the hopeless
    And giving your heart to the broken
    And sharing your home with the orphan
    You are the joy, You are my joy
    You are the hope of the nations
    The Father’s heart we’re embracing
    You are the song we’re declaring
    You are the joy, You are my joy
    Why so downcast oh, oh my soul
    Put your hope in God alone

  12. I try to pray as often as I can, but I still continue to worry. . .today I found myself being extremely jealous of a co-worker’s son who recently got hired at a local company with good pay and benefits, while my son continues his job at a local store with minimum wage and limited benefits. My son is happy and content with what he is doing, I just worry about how he will survive financially in this world. I am worried sick, I have even started anxiety medication! I know God is good and will take care of him, and I feel guilty for how I feel. Please help me – Thank you for all you do!

    • Brenda, it is so challenging Not to worry! I know where you’re coming from. I’m learning one day at a time to live in complete surrender to God. However, this does not come with trying once or for one day only. It is a process to learn. I believe you can do it. I encourage you to start on your knees in the morning, surrendering your day to the Lord. I promise he is faithful when we seek him first 🙂 Blessings to you~

  13. Encouraged by your coaching minute. I have been praying God’s Word since about 1990, when I was honored to serve as Area Coordinator for Moms In Touch Norfolk/Virginia Beach area. It is the best, and possibly the only way to pray!

  14. Linda, thank you for your post! This one hit home for me! I am currently in my Junior year of a Bachelors in Psychology with an Emphasis in Christian Counseling degree and there have been some times when just dealing with my friends that have a lot of issues in their lives that I have questioned if I’m on the right path. I’ll handle a situation with a particular friend poorly time and time again and then beat myself up for it. Then I hear God’s small voice reminding me that He HAS set me on this path and that my clients are not going to be my good friends! Isaiah 55:10-11 is a perfect verse for me to meditate on. Thank you for giving me that boost of confidence that I need and reminding me that it’s God’s plan for me that is important and He will supply all my needs.


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