10 thoughts on “Inspirational Coaching Minute

  1. It is so weird you posted this video. I’ve been struggling with the same thing. Loving me for me. Taking talents I know I have and drawing from them in spite of other obstacles. Thank you.

    • I love how that happens Cristy! I hope we can grow together in self-love over the next few weeks ๐Ÿ™‚ ((hugs))

  2. I’m in – lead me on this journey!!! I never considered loving myself to be anything less than egotistic – I also never considered myself worth loving but I think that’s when we view ourselves in terms of the world. But the more I come to understand who I am in Christ – the “self” I’m longing to love is the real person God put me here to be. I’m ready to take this step – lead the way my friend!!

    • Yay Randi! I’m thrilled to have you on the quest for self-love! I love what you wrote~ “the โ€œselfโ€ Iโ€™m longing to love is the real person God put me here to be. Iโ€™m ready to take this step”. I’m excited to see what God will do in all of our lives as we dive into truly loving ourselves ๐Ÿ™‚ ((hugs))

  3. Linda, this video was meant for me at this very moment. Just got home from a brutal public meeting where my integrity was questioned in a public comment by someone who doesn’t know who I am or what I am about! My initial reaction was anger and then a feeling of self doubt, but within moments, I recovered knowing that my motives are pure and that I am confident in Christ! All anger and doubt disappeared…but without my faith, trust and confidence in my Lord, without the love of my Jesus, I would still be wallowing in it! I would love to explore loving fully who the Lord created me to be. I love that quote “Simply becoming who you are” What a beautiful journey I have traveled thus far on my way to who I am in Christ Jesus! God bless!

    • Wow Mary! I am so sorry you had to experience that, however I am so PROUD of whom you know you are and belong to!!! Grateful that you are able to fully embrace God in the face of diversity. What a perfect example of “Simply becoming who you are.” (((hugs & love)))

  4. Linda, you always inspire me. Today, instead of complaining about what I feel are my inadequacies, I am going to try to give thanks for what I can do, even if I am in physical pain. I am truly blessed with a great husband and family and friends and a wonderful church family. Reading the Bible, reading good Christian books, listening to music and sharing time with family and friends always helps me feel better. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Melissa I am grateful that I could be a word of encouragement for you today! Lifting you up to feel better while soaking up all the blessings around you my friend. (((hugs)))

  6. Thank you for this message, Linda! It sounds fantastic and I look forward to being with you and the others for this journey. I am going to copy your sign. Love it!

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