Miss Cranky Pants


As I sat on my porch listening to the birds chirping I was savoring God and His creation. I spent a good bit of time talking with Him, praying and reading the bible.

Leaving my quiet time I felt motivated.  A sense of peace lingered within knowing that God would order my steps for the day.

As I began working, everything seemed to be running smoothly. It appeared to be a typical work day.

And out of nowhere, the next thing you know, I became Miss Cranky Pants!

I started feeling grumpy, irritable and anxious for NO REASON at all!

Has this ever happened to you? (I hope so; otherwise you’re probably thinking I’m a little crazy!)

I couldn’t figure out what in the heck was wrong with me.

Was I hormonal? I don’t know.

Was I tired? Maybe.

Mad at my husband? A little.

But was that enough to warrant my day going from spirit filled to grumpy and down right dreadful?

As I shuffled around my office, I could tell I was getting crankier by the minute. My first thought was this is going to be a rotten day.  Which led to poor pitiful me, why does everything have to be a struggle, to….I’m actually too embarrassed to tell you everything I was thinking, but you get the point.

After about half an hour of this mental anguish, I stopped dead in my tracks.

Something deep inside of me stirred and immediately I made a U-turn in my day.

I made an intentional decision to go back to where I started my day, seeking God.

Quickly I grabbed my cell phone, put on a Joyce Meyer podcast and before I knew it, I was back on track! I was excited about my day and experiencing God’s peace once again.

Isn’t it strange how are moods and thoughts can fluctuate within minutes? How it only take one negative thought to derail us.

I open up my thought life in hopes that you will feel encouraged knowing that you are not alone in the Battlefield of the Mind. When you go from life is great to feeling miserable within minutes, it doesn’t mean you are crazy!

What it means is that the enemy will do anything to throw you off course. It is up to you how your day will go and what you will allow your mind to think on. 

What will you do the next time you find yourself becoming Miss Cranky Pants? Will you allow the enemy to stay in your mind or will you kick him out? I love hearing from you, leave a comment below.

I currently have a waiting list, however I will have appointments opening up in mid May. I want to encourage you that there is hope and a new way of life through Christian Life Coaching. ((hugs))

Next Tuesday I will be hanging out over at God-sized Dreams and giving away 2 Coaching Sessions. Be sure to check out this amazing blog community!


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Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Writer, Speaker, and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions about the coaching experience.

10 thoughts on “Miss Cranky Pants

  1. Linda, I really enjoyed your post. Too often I can feel like this only happens to me. It really is a choice to put a stop to my grouchy attitude. I see how quickly my bad attitude affects my family. In our current study of Living So That, Wendy Blight reminds us to feed the spirit, not the flesh. Blessings to you Linda.

  2. Your posts always inspire me, Linda! Yes, sometimes I am “Miss Cranky Pants”, but, if I just slow down, take a breath and pray, then, I start to feel better. 🙂

    • Thank you Melissa 🙂 I agree with the slowing down and to simply just breath, it makes all the difference in the world!

  3. Thanks Linda,
    I’m so glad I’m not the only one. Even more lately I’ve been a Miss Cranky Pants, and I’ve wondered why. As you’ve experienced, everything would be going fine and then, out of the blue a negative thought or image comes to mind (for me it’s usually something from the past) to steal my joy. When I realize what’s happening I’d pray, telling God that I d want to feel this way and He grants me His peace to set me back on course. Yes we have to take EVERY THOUGHT captive and make it obedient to the Word of God. Your post is a blessing to me because I began to wonder why I was being attacked this way. We are God’s precious creation and the devil wants our minds destroyed. It is so true that the battlefield is our minds.

    • Joycelyn, Your comment was a blessing to me 🙂 I’m standing strong with you to take every thought captive & make it obedient to the word. AMEN!!

  4. Hi Linda! I have a case of the “Cranky Pants” today! I am staying in constant prayer and listening to praise and worship music. Hopefully my mood and heart will be lightened soon!

  5. Hi Linda, I had that happen to me this morning. I ate a snack and walking back to the kitchen cranky me turned up. I like your idea of going back to my happy quiet place. I went back to my recliner and played spider solitar for long enough my back hurting but it is a bad rainy gray day so my body and fibromyalgia pain hit back.

    I will write out your idea and put on my Joyce cds or get my ipod out. Thank you!

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