A New Journey Begins Here

I want you to pick that one goal that you’ve been longing to achieve for years? What is the one goal that maybe you are afraid of? What is the one goal that would improve your life so much that everyone around you would be able to see the changes in you?

Starting next week I will be coaching you for 12 weeks (3x a week). I will be doing videos on Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays. As I journey on my adventure, you will watch me and be inspired by what I’m doing. You will see the good, the bad and even the ugly. It’s about being real here and honest. We will share our hearts through our comments and I will coach you back through the comments.

Everyone who comments today will be entered to WIN a devotional by Lysa TerKeurst What Happens When Women Say Yes To God!



Artwork by Kelly Rae Roberts. Click here to visit her website.

Are you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Author, Speaker and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions about the experience.

What clients are saying about their personal coaching experience with Linda? Read here. 

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways!

56 thoughts on “A New Journey Begins Here

  1. You are wonderful, Linda Kuhar! I have had a goal for many years of publishing a children’s story. I don’t have the confidence I need to even pursue this dream. So, I am looking forward to going on this journey. Thank you for all you do. 🙂

    • Oh my dear friend Melissa you’ve told the wrong person what your goal is…lol! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! You give so much to the world already. I don’t want others to miss out on the opportunity to know Melissa like I do. I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!!!

      • I love you bunches and bunches, Linda Kuhar. Thank you for your encouragement. 🙂 Hugs!

  2. Hi Linda! My goal is to get on a healthy eating/exercise regimen — and STICK TO IT!! I have started and stopped so often in my lifetime and I just want it to end. I need to lose a significant amount of weight to be healthy and I just need to have someone behind me to encourage me and keep me accountable. Love you, and I’m excited to see what these next 12 weeks bring!

    • Linda we are going to rock this together!!!! Let’s dig deep together and make a commitment to the next 12 weeks! Can you imagine how amazing your going to feel by November 10? (book release date 😉 Love you sweet friend xoxo

  3. I am soo excited about this 12 week journey with you I know this is the next step
    In my journey God has been showing me over the last year that He has a plan for me and I think no I know this is the next step wow did I just say this out loud Yes Lord I know becoming a Christian Life coach is the plan you have for me the puzzle pieces are coming together and I Believe I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength ! Excited !!!!

    • Kelly I am SO EXCITED for you!!! You can do it!! Becoming a Christian Life Coach is the greatest thing I’ve ever done. I love love love working with my clients. Where are going to get your certification? I went to Christian Coach Institute and it was and still is an amazing community. So much love and support there.

      • That is where I am looking at going all because God led me to your Facebook page 😃 and I only live about an hour from Charlotte yet He used you and your obedience in offering this 12 week coaching to catch my eye !! I am
        Excited about what He has planned !!! When I originally saw your post the first thought that came to mind was my weight loss /sweet addiction and I stil want to pursue that in the next 12 weeks too but as I started typing the words just started flowing about becoming a certified coach ! I had been looking into another coaching program but I knew it was not what He wanted because it talked more about Self help with more emphasis on little g -god and not the one true God and when I was reading your blog I started looking at the Christian coach certification and it was like Yes yes yes !!! Thank you for your part in this !!!!

  4. I know that one of my things is I need to be more consistent in my time with God but I also need to lose some weight and get healthy! So I am in for the next 12 weeks!

    • God uses are weakness to show His powerful strength in and through us. (fyi…I just wrote my first book and I failed English in school!) God can use you sweet friend. xo

  5. I am longing to find the job that will allow me to use my legal education, my skills, my gifts, my experience, my passion for helping other people, and compassion for children while also fulfilling the plans God has for me.

    Linda, I am really looking forward to your coaching videos and comments. Thank you for giving of your time and your gifts in this way. You are a blessing to so many people!

    • Thank you Cindy for being here and such kind words! I’m praying during our time together in the weeks ahead God will show you the next steps to take to find that job. I know He has one hand picked waiting for you.

  6. My one goal would be getting rid of Toxic thinking. I want to live in the present and not the past.

    • Great goal Mary! In my book I talk about living in the present moment. It’s so easy to slip into negative thinking and it does take intentional work to overcome. I believe in you! We can do this together. xo

  7. One goal I would love to achieve, and a fear I would love to overcome, is public speaking. I have a pretty great testimony, and truly feel that I could be a great help to other women who may be in the same situation that I was several years ago.

    I have been asked to give my testimony this Sunday to our Sr High Sunday school class. I know God is all around this, and this could be His answer to my prayer. I am a nervous wreck, and it makes me anxious to think about speaking to this group, but I said yes with very little hesitation.

    I am looking forward to your teachings in the coming weeks. Thank you!

    Many Blessings!

    • Rachelle 1st I’m so excited you are here and that you have the opportunity to speak this Sunday! So cool! 2nd it’s natural to be nervous/anxious when speaking. I always get anxious when thinking about speaking (even before I make my videos). I want to encourage you to use that nervous energy…lean into it. Think about how you can use the nervous energy in a positive way. 😉

      • Thank you for your encouraging words Linda! I want to overcome this fear so that I can help others with confidence and not show any fear. 🙂 I am praying for God to take my fear and replace it with courage. 🙂

  8. Looking forward to much-needed inspiration and motivation! I have the goals of finishing and publishing my new eBook and losing about 20 pounds.
    Thank you,

    • Jennifer I understand about needing motivation to finish writing. I just finished my book this year and it is tuff to stay on track. I’m thrilled to have you here and encourage you friend! You’ve got this.

  9. I want to have real purpose in my life by helping others in their health & wellness by teaching pilates in small groups or one on one sessions. Thx Linda, your great!!

    • Meredith the world needs you and all that you have to offer!! Have you ever thought about making pilates youtube video channel? I’d love to take a class 🙂

  10. There are many things I’ve been longing to achieve for years. God loves me so much and has done miraculous wonders in my life. He has so much more in mind. I’m leading with my 1st goal to be mindful and consistent in going deeper with God, into His Word, in prayer, and fellowship. I’m hoping other goals will start tagging along naturally from there. Strongholds need to be broken that keep me stuck and going around in circles as I try to make needed changes in my life. One of them, my 2nd goal which I will be working on too, is to stay on track with healthy eating and exercise habits. This scripture comes to mind: “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26:41

    Thank you Linda for doing this, for your encouraging heart and coaching shared with us. Looking forward to all that God will do and who He will be in our community of courageous ones walking on this new journey together.

    Blessings to all, Debbie

    • Debbie you have such a beautiful heart. I believe this is your time to shine…to follow through with your goals. God is going to do a great work here. Thank you for joining me and speaking openly. Love you!

  11. A goal is healther living with more exercise that will result in more energy to help and support others.

    • MaryBeth you are going to do great over the next 12 weeks! You have so much to offer others and through healthy living you will be able to continue to help & support others. Thank you for being here!

  12. Wow! What a blessing you are providing Linda 🙂 I have several dreams I hope to achieve – beginning and maintaining a healthy lifestyle so it can bring energy to my life to share more of my life with others, to learn more about photography I would love to be able to capture the essence of God’s beauty and glory all around us – with a feminine touch, to be a better communicatorso that I can help others see Jesus through my own testimony. The one thing i need that is common to all of these dreams is the ability to stay focused and continue to work toward the goal before me. I tend to lose momentum easily. God’s blessings to you!

  13. I have two goals: 1) to become more disciplined in every area of life, and 2) to begin creating opportunities to connect women locally with women internationally. I feel such a calling to help women use our God-given talents and resources to reach others around the world.

    • Tiffany you have such a beautiful heart for God and I’m excited to see you go after your dreams. You can do this! I want to encourage you to get focused on one specific area to create discipline in and you’ll be suprised how it’s a snowball effect in other areas. 😉

  14. My goal is to stop smoking have been trying for years with no success and now it has affected my health. I am looking forwards to this journey with you.

    • That is AWESOME Karen!!! I want to encourage you to use your time pressing into God and His word to break free from smoking. Be thinking about different ways to keep yourself accountable. I know you can do it this time!! Thank you for being here.

  15. I want to start my own photography website. And its inspirational photography, I want to be able to encourage others on their journey of life. So looking forward to do this 12 week journey with you my friend.

  16. I have followed you for several years and love your heart to want to help others by inspire us by your transparency.

    I’ve had a goal that was laid on my heart to tell my story (God’s story) in book form for about 2 years. Yet every time I sit down to bring it together this fear and lack of confidence consumes me.
    Thank you for giving yourself to help us find ourselves!

    • Oh girl get that pen ready! We are going to break through those fears and get confident together over the next 12 weeks. Thank you for reading my blogs all this time. Reading those words just made my day. I believe in you and know you can write His story!! xoxo

  17. As a new empty-nester, my goal is to start my blog and build a freelance writing business so I can quit my 8-5 job and reclaim my life. Excited for this new journey and grateful your message appeared when it did. God’s timing 🙂

    • Kris I agree with God’s timing being perfect! I cannot wait to see your blog. Please be sure to share it with us. I am so grateful you are on this journey with us. ((hugs))

  18. I am guilty of being a people pleaser all my life. In trying to please and get the approval of others I find that I am not in tone with my authentic self!! So in the next 12 weeks my goal is to rip away the shell and learn/accept the true me. And for once in my life have a voice; not a loud or angry voice but a sweet Godly voice (speak out of love). Not sure what to expect but let’s do it!!!!

    • Ayesha I love your goal! Being our authentic self and not worrying about what the rest of the world thinks to gain their acceptance or approval is something I work on continually. It’s funny because I can go a period of time and be on track in this area and then all of a sudden taken off guard and realize I’m worrying about what others think. This is something I’m excited to work on with you throughout our weeks ahead! Thank you for already be authentic here….real & vulnerable. You are awesome! (oh! not the loud & angry voice but sweet Godly voice is on the top of my list as well!) ((hugs))

  19. Aside from my ministry goal of preparing for my first speaking engagement in December…I also have the weight loss goal! I have let a few lbs sneak on this year and it’s time to zap them back off! 12 weeks…12 lbs…let’s do this!

  20. Linda, I think my one goal will be to share Christ Jesus with someone who doesn’t know Him. This is a hard goal because I don’t get out very much, but I believe with your help I can break through this barrier. Thank you for your help and encouragement.

    • Oh Barbara what a beautiful goal!!!! I’m claiming in this for you today! Your heart is overflowing with Christ love and I’m excited to hear how your goal unfolds. ((hugs))

  21. My goal is to completely to surrender my life to God and find his Spirit and his goals for my life. To end this cycle of overeating, worries, and anxiety leading to migraines, sickness and missed work days. A healthier God focused life !

    • Cate I’m praying for you now. I cannot wait to hear what God does through your life over the next 12 weeks. This is an amazing heart centered goal for the glory of God. Thank you for being here!!!

  22. Linda, I thank God for you. My one of many goals is to share Christ Jesus with family (my adult children, which have went to church with me since very small) and many others. I have to some small point. But I wonder if the timing may not be right or if God is going to use someone else. I still pray about it! Thank you for your help.

    • Sandra, I love love your heart!!!! Thank you for being here on this journey. I’m believing God to fill you with His confidence for you to minister to those you love. And remember no matter what is spoken, actions speak louder than words. Sending you lots of love!!

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