Can we really Expect Miracles?

Do I have to keep training? The marathon is just around the corner, it is soooo close. But some days it’s hard to keep on keeping on. Every day I have to make an intentional decision: train or slack off.

Today I chose to persevere and stay strong.

Tuesday I talked with you about Expect Miracles from the JESUS acronym in my book: Just Live Today, Expect Miracles, Speak Truth, Use Your Gifts, Start Now!

When we think about Expecting Miracles, it really goes back to our mindset. For example, when you wake up each day do you automatically think how can I get through the day and try to find something to be positive about or do you wake up with an expectant mindset … expecting to notice the miracles in your life?

What would it be like if you went through an entire 24 hours expecting miracles all around you?

Let’s take a minute and look around at the miracles right now in front of us. It is a miracle we are alive and breathing! It is a miracle that it is raining! It is a miracle that we have a beautiful world that surrounds us!

When will we shift our perspective from just getting through the day to looking at life expectantly? I know from personal experience that when I live life expectantly my day turns out completely different, full of hope … full of excitement … full of miracles!

Leave a comment and let me know what miracles are you expecting in your life?

I know that six years ago today I was asleep in a coma and my family and friends were believing and expecting God for a miracle. And through their faith and prayers God delivered a miracle! What miracle are you expecting from God today?


For the month of October I am giving away this beautiful custom-made Worthy of a Miracle necklace. Everyone who shares this blog and any #WorthyofaMiracle #JustLiveToday #ExpectMiracles content on social media will be entered to WIN!! If you would like to purchase a Worthy of a Miracle necklace for you or a friend click here!


Preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle here! Read what other’s say about the book hereAre you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

Is God Real?

Several years ago I woke up in the middle of the night and this acronym popped in my mind. JESUS: Just Live Today, Expect Miracles, Speak Truth, Use Your Gifts, Start Now! I put it in my cell phone and it stayed there for about a year before I ever did anything with it. Today I’m thrilled to say this acronym is in Part 2 of my book Worthy of a Miracle.

This week let’s talk about E … Expect Miracles.

If we are really honest with ourselves, we have all wrestled with the question, “Is God real?” On page 185 I wrote …

“Most of my life, I only knew how to do religion. I never understood how to be a believer in Christ and how to have a relationship with him. I often wondered why I didn’t know the Jesus of the Bible like the amazing Christian speakers I so admired, or the friends I interacted with daily.

Why did they seem to “get it” and I didn’t?

I accepted Christ as a teenager, but somehow my belief never traveled from my head to my heart. I tried everything, from teaching children’s Sunday school and volunteering at church to leading home Bible studies and following annual Bible reading plans. This was the “good church lady” way to live . . . to gain God’s favor and earn angel wings. I thought that if I followed the rules perfectly, one day I would know Jesus and believe I was worthy to be God’s daughter.”

Have you ever got caught up in the performance or the “doing” to find God? We go to church, listen to sermons, do the bible studies, listen to Christian music but all along there’s still a disconnect from the head to the heart.

It wasn’t until I got to the end of my rope and got over myself, that I stopped performing to find God in my own strength and that is when a miracle happened! Page 186 I wrote …

“This is what I hold true now: God will not force himself on us. He waits patiently (giving us freewill) for us to turn to him. That’s what he did for me. When I finally got desperate enough, I found him and fell in love with Jesus when he unveiled the truth in my heart. I am worthy. I am valued. I am his daughter. I am adored. I
am perfect in his sight just the way I am.

It is a miracle I never expected.

Out of brokenness, God restores our messes, our mistakes, our lives.”

Today I want you to take a moment and be completely honest with yourself. You don’t have to share here if you’re not comfortable. Have you wrestled with your relationship with God? Have you struggled to find him through doing? Have the words of the page of the bible been flat to you and not really come alive in your life? I want you to pray today, I want you to Expect a Miracle! Just like the miracle I had in my life, God WILL reveal himself to you.

What miracle would you never ever expect to happen in your life? That is what I encourage you to pray for today.


For the month of October I am giving away this beautiful custom-made Worthy of a Miracle necklace. Everyone who shares this blog and any #WorthyofaMiracle #JustLiveToday #ExpectMiracles content on social media will be entered to WIN!! If you would like to purchase a Worthy of a Miracle necklace for you or a friend click here!


Preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle here! Read what other’s say about the book hereAre you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

What it Takes to Get Back Up

This week I had a chance to see my hero, Brene Brown! If you don’t know who she is you MUST check out her work (here). Her new book Rising Strong is rocking my world. Her subtitle alone is enough to stop you in your tracks. “If we are brave enough, often enough, we will fall. This is a book about what it takes to get back up.”

Honestly, when we go after our goals it is all about learning how to get back up after we fall. When we embrace the truth, that we are not going to do it perfectly and that we will make mistakes along the way, half the battle is won.

For example, one of my goals for the 12 weeks of coaching series was to post a blog every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday … well I am falling. I am not going to be able to post every Saturday moving forward due to my upcoming book release. Part of my fall was over committing to a very full schedule. However, that’s not going to stop me from moving forward in my goals. I will continue to blog twice a week, train for my half marathon and work on my book release.

Let me know where you’ve fallen down in your goal and will you continue to pick yourself back up and keep moving forward?


For the month of October I am giving away this beautiful custom-made Worthy of a Miracle necklace. Everyone who shares this blog and any #WorthyofaMiracle #JustLiveToday content on social media will be entered to WIN!! If you would like to purchase a Worthy of a Miracle necklace for you or a friend click here!


Preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle here! Read what other’s say about the book hereAre you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

Picture above from Chapter 5 Rising Strong by Brene Brown. Check out her Ted Talk here.

When You Are Struggling

I feel like I want to quit so bad this week! Do you ever feel this way?

After running my longest run of the season I’ve been struggling with my mindset. It is totally crazy because I actually did very well on my 8 mile run.

For some reason I’m wrestling with a negative mindset and keep questioning myself … Can I really do this? Am I really strong enough?

And then I go to a long list of “what ifs” …. What if I get an injury? What if I don’t finish the half marathon?

Have you ever done this? Worrying about the future and not living in the present moment?

Earlier this week I shared with you about Chapter 13 in my book Just Live Today. Honestly some days I can live in the moment and embrace what’s right here in front of me and then there are other days, like today, when I struggle feeling overwhelmed, stressed out and insecure about all kinds of things worrying about the future.

As much as I would like to tell you I’ve got it all figured out and I Just Live Today perfectly that simply is not true. Life is a balancing act. When you think about balancing, it does not mean that you are perfectly steady but that you are still slightly juggling things to keep the balance. I like to tell my clients, “Life is about progress, not perfection”.

Leave me a comment and let me know if you are struggling to Just Live Today and live in the moment? If not tell me what you are doing to stay live in the present.


For the month of October I am giving away this beautiful custom-made Worthy of a Miracle necklace. Everyone who shares this blog and any #WorthyofaMiracle #JustLiveToday content on social media will be entered to WIN!!!!! If you would like to purchase a Worthy of a Miracle necklace for you or a friend click here!


Preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle here! Read what other’s say about the book hereAre you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

A Powerful Lesson from Cancer {& Worthy of a Miracle Necklace Giveaway}

Worthy of a Miracle is a two-part book. Part One is about my personal story of God’s physical and spiritual healing in my life. Part Two is more of a guidebook and inspirational practice to deepen our awareness of worthiness and our relationship with Jesus.

Several years ago I woke up in the middle of the night and this acronym popped in my mind. JESUS: Just Live Today, Expect Miracles, Speak Truth, Use Your Gifts, Start Now! I put it in my cell phone and it stayed there for about a year before I ever did anything with it. Then one day when I was really struggling I pulled the acronym out and started journaling about how it applied to my relationship with God. Little did I know that years later this acronym would be in a book! Over the next few weeks I will share more here with you about each letter in the acronym.

This week we are going to focus on the JJust Live Today. Below is an excerpt out of Worthy of a Miracle, Chapter 13.

“When I was diagnosed with cancer and was afraid I was going to die, I wanted my time back. I wanted to undo the days I’d let slip through my hands . . . the slow and sweet moments with my husband, and the simple and silly moments with my daughter. I would sit on my front porch swing with the sinking feeling (the new reality!) that I only had that very hour, that very day. I could not go backward, and I was not guaranteed a future. I just had “today”.

Looking back, I am finally aware of what a tremendous gift it was to recognize that all I had was that single moment.” (pg. 177)

Focusing on today is one of the key points in Part Two of my book. We all struggle in this fast pace world with actually living in the present moment. I personally get so overwhelmed with my “To Do List” and I constantly stay a day ahead or at least a few hours ahead in my mind.

So how do we actually live in the present moment?

Here are my top 5 Just Live Today habits that help me live in the present moment. (Excerpt from Worthy of a Miracle pg. 179)


For the month of October I am giving away this beautiful custom-made Worthy of a Miracle necklace. Everyone who shares this blog and any #WorthyofaMiracle #JustLiveToday content on social media will be entered to WIN!!!!! Leave me a comment and let me know what #JustLiveToday habit you will begin to practice. If you would like to purchase a Worthy of a Miracle necklace for you or a friend click here! 


The WINNER of The Mended Heart by Suzanne Eller is Melissa Chambers who commented on 

Preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle here! Read what other’s say about this book hereAre you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.


Get. It. Done.

It’s time to Get. It. Done.

8 miles in the rain!!! Yikes!

Let’s push through our excuses and just do it!

Time, money, energy, weather, mindset, people …. all of these are valid excuses but will we let them continue to be our stumbling block to not follow through on our goals?

What are you determined to persevere through? Let me know in the comments below and be entered to WIN The Mended Heart by Suzanne Eller. WINNER ANNOUNCED TUESDAY!!!


                                          ~Praise for Worthy of a Miracle~

Linda’s story is an amazing example of God’s mighty power and faithfulness. If you’re believing God for something that seems impossible, let this book empower you to believe you are worthy and He is with you! – Lysa TerKeurstNew York Times bestselling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries 

My friend Linda is what I call “Gospel-strong”! In the pages of Worthy of a Miracle, you will see how in Linda’s weakness, Jesus made her “Gospel-strong”! You will not regret buying this book; you’ll like it so much, you’ll buy five more for your family and friends. ­­– Derwin L. Gray, Lead Pastor Transformation Church, Author of Crazy Grace for Crazy Times Bible Study (Lifeway)

Preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle here! Read what other’s say about this book hereAre you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Author, Speaker and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

Put to the Test

Now that I’m working to replace my bad habit of worrying with a new positive habit of gratitude I am continuously being challenged!

I want to let you know whatever bad habit you are trying to break, you will be put to the test. Do not be surprised. Go ahead and prepare for it.

For example, I was worrying about something as simple as the weather outside and it turned out to be a complete waste of energy and brain power.

Tell me what are you putting into practice to overcome your bad habit?

For me I am practicing gratitude and thankfulness by speaking it into my life and everything around me. And when I catch myself going to that place of worry, I stop and ask myself what am I thankful for in this moment.

*I will be announcing giveaway WINNER next Tuesday, so be sure to leave a comment to be entered to win The Mended Heart by Suzanne Eller.


                                         ~Praise for Worthy of a Miracle~

I heard Linda’s cancer story numerous times through our connection with the Team In Training program with Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, but reading her book gave me a brand new perspective on the challenges, fears, choices and triumphs she, her family and friends faced in her fight against lymphoma.  As her coach for her first half marathon, just six months after her coma, I never saw her back down on her commitment to train for and complete her 13.1 mile victory, even when the going got tough. What I did see was how that commitment inspired her fellow teammates to persevere. I admire that she has the courage to build on what she learned from that experience to go after her purpose in life. – Beth Carty, Team In Training Coach for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

Linda’s book is her personal, beautiful, and inspiring story of God’s faithfulness, and her story is for any woman who has ever felt she was not worthy of a miracle. Linda learned how to open her heart to receive His gift of amazing love as God “used a physical coma to fully reveal to her how to have a relationship with Jesus.”  – Janice LaVore-Fletcher, PCC, MCC, BCC, President of Christian Coach Institute, LLC

Preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle here! Read what other’s say about this book here.Are you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Author, Speaker and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

Bad Habits to New Habits

I’m inviting you to pray this today: “Search the inner depths of my heart and expose anything that is not of You so I can be set free of it.” Excerpt from Stormie Omartian’s book The Power of Prayer to Change Your Marriage.

What do you need to be set free from?

In my quiet time I was reading Psalm 5:11-12 and part of it reads “Let those who love Your name be joyful and exult in You.” All of a sudden my eyes were opened to a “bad” habit I have. I have a habit of not being joyful, instead I have a habit of anxious thoughts and worrying.

I’ve decided I want to create a new habit of gratitude, thankful and joy filled thoughts to replace my bad habit of anxious and worried thoughts.

Let me know what “bad” habit you have and what new habit you can replace it with?

*I will be announcing giveaway WINNER next Tuesday, be sure to leave a comment to be entered to win The Mended Heart by Suzanne Eller.


                                         ~Praise for Worthy of a Miracle~

Linda Kuhar extends an invitation to find an extraordinary God at work in the middle of our ordinary lives. She offers faith, encouragement and, most of all, hope. Whether you’re going through a difficult time or are simply looking for inspiration and a new perspective, Worthy of a Miracle will meet you where you are and help you see what could be. – Holley Gerth, Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of You’re Already Amazing

I knew Linda’s story would be inspiring, but had no idea how much her book would touch my heart as a woman, a wife, a parent and a believer. Seeing how God orchestrated small and life changing miracles in her life literally moved me to tears as I witnessed the tangible proof of the power of God at work. Her story is a beautiful reminder of God’s sovereignty, packed with scriptural promises and practical steps for growing our relationship with God, while reminding us all that we are worthy of His miracles too. – Tracie Miles, Christian Speaker & Writer, and Author of two best-selling books, Your Life Still Counts: How God Turns Your Past Into A Beautiful Future and Stressed-Less Living: Finding God’s Peace In Your Chaotic World.  

Preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle here! Read what other’s say about this book here.

Are you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Author, Speaker and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

It’s Truly a Miracle!

What were you doing six years ago today?

I remember it all too well. Six years ago is when this miracle journey began.

I am so AMAZED & GRATEFUL that I have you, this blog community, to love, encourage and inspire one another. When I was diagnosed with cancer I prayed to have more time on earth to share the love of Christ with others and that is what I get to do here!

Today I want us to share our gratitude to God for all the miracles in our life in this very moment!

I am grateful that I get to make this video and talk with you, that I’m training for a half marathon, for my health, that I can breathe on my own without assistance from a machine and most of all the Gift of Life!

Everyone who comments will be entered to Win a copy of The Mended Heart by Suzanne Eller. Lets praise God and share what we are grateful for today!


                                         ~Praise for Worthy of a Miracle~

Linda’s story is an amazing example of God’s mighty power and faithfulness. If you’re believing God for something that seems impossible, let this book empower you to believe you are worthy and He is with you! – Lysa TerKeurstNew York Times bestselling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries 

My friend Linda is what I call “Gospel-strong”! In the pages of Worthy of a Miracle, you will see how in Linda’s weakness, Jesus made her “Gospel-strong”! You will not regret buying this book; you’ll like it so much, you’ll buy five more for your family and friends. ­­– Derwin L. Gray, Lead Pastor Transformation Church, Author of Crazy Grace for Crazy Times Bible Study (Lifeway)

Preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle here! Read what other’s say about this book here.


Thank you to everyone who has signed up for my book launch team. Click here if you’d like to join. 

Are you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Author, Speaker and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions.

What are clients saying about their personal coaching experience with Linda? Read here. 

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

Look at what YOU did for me!

Is being too tired a good excuse not to follow through on your goals?

I really wanted to use that excuse this week. But when I thought about my desired outcome to feel great when I run my half marathon I decided to push through my resistance.

But then, even in the middle of pushing through, I started thinking about ways to cut corners the next day! Have you ever done that?

Extra accountability is what I needed this week! So I stepped it up. I made a commitment to video and let you know when I completed my next goal (4 mile run).

I want to say a big THANK YOU to my blog community for watching this and my friend Stephanie for running with me because I would have totally cheated myself and ran fewer miles. Confession: I get lazy and I like to cut corners 🙂

Let me know who is keeping you accountable in your goal? Do you need to step up your accountability to make sure you follow through? Everyone who comments will be entered to win a copy of The Mended Heart by Suzanne Eller.


Thank you to everyone who has signed up for my book launch team. Click here if you’d like to join. 

Are you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Author, Speaker and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions.

What are clients saying about their personal coaching experience with Linda? Read here. 

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.


Click here to preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle today!