Hi this is Linda Kuhar, your Christian Life Coach. I would like to share with you a few tools and resources I use to connect with God. The very first place I start every single day is in my chair with coffee in hand and complete quiet in my house. If I don’t have this time each day I end up being a very grumpy person 🙂

For years and years I have used my Jesus Calling Devotional by Sarah Young. I love love love this devotional. If you do not have it I recommend getting it today. Along with my NIV bible and my journal, writing is a great way to connect with the Lord. In the weeks to come I will share with you more journaling technics in how to connect with God. Also my book Worthy of a Miracle has journaling exercises in it as well. Listening to worship music is an amazing way to connect with the Lord. Listening to different pastors and speakers is another way to hear from and connect with the Lord. Being outside in nature is one of my very favorite ways to connect with God. And last but not least is through prayer, just a simple conversation with the Lord.

Please email me at linda@lindakuhar.com or comment below and let me know any questions you might have or any of your favorite resources you use. I’d love to hear from you! CLICK HERE to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 of my book Worthy of a Miracle.

Linda Kuhar coaches women around the globe in building stronger intimate relationships with Christ. As your Christian Life Coach I will empower you to dig deeper than ever before in your relationship with Christ. We have all asked ourselves: “How can I really hear from God?” or “What’s God’s plan for my life?” but struggle to confidently find the answers. During our coaching sessions you will learn how to push through resistance, doubts, fears and uncertainty and immediately begin to move forward. A new life in Christ awaits. Click here to be placed on new client waiting list.

What clients are saying about working with Linda Kuhar …

“I am so thankful God led me to Linda. Coaching is exactly what I needed at a desperate time in my life. I just felt so stuck and held back. Linda asked questions that had me digging deeper and she was always so encouraging and had me pressing forward always pointing me to Jesus. My time with her has been so special and I have a new excitement and passion for life.” Bethany G., PA

“Linda was a delight to work with by phone sessions as I prepared for a first time speaking presentation for 150 women at a church brunch. Once I prepared my content, Linda helped me fine tune it. Her insights on how to connect with an audience were invaluable. She helped me see God’s “big picture” of my speaking presentation so I could relax and take my eyes off myself,  and truly minister to the women in the audience. The event was a huge success. Not just because my content was valuable, but because Linda helped me communicate in a way that reached women’s hearts.” Kay Long, AZ


What Do You Truly Believe?

I pray that you know Jesus in such a profound way that you do not fear death but that you look forward to the day you will meet Him. In John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

I invite you to take a moment today and reflect on what you truly believe. Let’s be grateful for today and this moment of life.

I dedicate this video today to my friends Derik and Sabrina that are now with Jesus. Thank you Lord that you allowed me to meet those two beautiful souls and pray with them and talk with them about You.

I pray that through my videos you experience a glimpse of Christ love each and every day. Thank you for watching.


Need a quick retreat? To listen to my Live Mini Retreat recording click here!

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 of Worthy of a Miracle.

Final Days on Earth … Transitioning into Eternity

I’m soaked in tears this morning. There’s so much I want to share with you through the computer screen, and I don’t have enough words to express everything that I am feeling. A year ago I spoke the words “What better gift could I give someone than to be with them in their final days.” Little did I know how precisely the Lord listens to my ever word and would allow my deepest desire to come true.

What prompted this longing to spend time with others in their last days was because I had the opportunity to be by my mother-in-law’s bedside ten years ago as she transitioned into eternity. I sat holding her hand, singing “Jesus Loves Me” and reading Psalm 23 in her last days, and I can honestly say it was the most beautiful sacred experience of my life. She was in a hospice house, and the workers there were like real angels here on earth.

Last year, as I reflected on my experience with my dear mother-in-law, I knew it was time to give back to others walking through their last days, but I wasn’t sure exactly what that meant. After a little time visiting hospice and researching how I could make a difference, I got distracted with life and didn’t do anything with it. However, God was not going to let me forget the deep yearning within my heart.

At the end of last year, God brought not one but two beautiful people in my life that were dying from cancer. I had several months with them. We had conversations about God, heaven, cancer, life, love … and when we talked it was if we had known each other our entire lives.

Last night I held the hand of my second angel as she begins to transition into eternity. It’s hard to articulate this amazing surreal interaction. All I know is that it touched a place in my soul that I did not know existed. The unbelievable chance to connect heart to heart – soul to soul – in someone’s final days on earth is the greatest gift of my entire life. There is nothing more fulfilling. For some people it might sound a bit strange that this is beyond gratifying …. but what I know in the depths of my soul is that we have nothing to fear and eternity is the best transition that WILL EVER happen for us.

My new lifelong prayer is that everyone has the opportunity to experience Jesus in such a profound way here on earth that they will be overjoyed to go home … to heaven. Today I can honestly say my life feels complete. Each day feels like a bonus. I am living in the overflow of God’s amazing grace.


Need a quick retreat? To listen to my Live Mini Retreat recording click here!

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 of Worthy of a Miracle.

Please Pray for Cancer Patients

Prayer for Cancer Patients

I tend to start my new year by thinking of how I can make personal changes, goals and dreams come true in the year ahead. While I will do those things, God has sweetly reminded me to value others above myself. (Philippians 2:3) I pray you will join hearts with me and pray for all those who are battling cancer today.

Please leave a prayer or comment below as we lift up cancer patients today. Thank you sweet friends. I love you!

Are you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 of Worthy of a Miracle free!


Order your signed copy of Worthy of a Miracle here!

Prayer & Giveaways!

Will you join me today in praying for those who are struggling with health issues? It can be so exhausting physically, mentally and emotionally for those with chronic health issues such as cancer and other diseases. Together lets focus our hearts on those who are sick and hurting, as well as their caregivers, doctors, nurses and medical staff.

Today my sweet friend and author of When a Woman Finds Her Voice, Jo Ann Fore is giving away a signed copy of my book! Enter to WIN here. 

And congratulations to Kelley Murphy for winning this custom-made Worthy necklace! Thank you for sharing #WorthyofaMiracle on social media last month.


Visit WorthyofaMiracle.com to watch the book trailer and purchase books!

Are you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

My Prayer for You

To everyone who reads my book:

“My prayer for you, dear reader, is that you will find courage within these pages to seek Jesus just as you are and receive his love today. No performance is necessary—just be yourself.

That may seem like a miracle. But if no one else has told you today, let me. You, too, are worthy of a miracle!” (Worthy of a Miracle pg. 24)

In the comments below write this affirmation: I AM WORTHY! Together let’s claim and believe this truth today. This month I’m giving away a custom-made Worthy necklace! I will announce WINNER next week. Everyone who shares this blog OR any #WorthyofaMiracle content on social media will be entered to win.


Purchase a signed copy from author here! 


Visit WorthyofaMiracle.com to watch the book trailer and purchase books!

Are you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

Book Trailer and Invitation for You

It’s hard to believe when I look at the above pictures that was me. And now in exactly two weeks I get to celebrate the Worthy of a Miracle book release! Can you say this with me, OUR GOD IS GOOD!

When I was diagnosed with cancer I prayed God would give me more time to share the love of Jesus with the world. I had no idea that would come through multiple miracles in the months and years ahead.

I would love for you to join me on November 10 to celebrate God and his MIRACLES! 


To purchase a signed copy from the author click here!

Read what other’s say about the book hereAre you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

A Very Big Miracle

Chapter 15, Speak Truth is one of my very favorite chapters in my book because of the VERY BIG MIRACLE that happened in my life through the act of speaking truth in my life. I cannot wait for you to read about this miracle in my book!

(Excerpt Worthy of a Miracle pg. 195-196)
“Going through cancer and the coma, I learned the power of my thoughts and words. When I woke up in the hospital and could not speak, my thoughts quickly turned from defeat to determination. Backed by the power of the prayers of my family and friends, I
insisted that I was going to breathe on my own, get out of the bed, and walk again. I believed that God had not brought me this far to quit. No one was going to stop me. My thoughts became my words, which became my reality. 

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Rom. 12:2)

This was the Scripture I clung to while undergoing chemotherapy. Little did I know how it would impact the rest of my healing. Words are powerful. All of creation came to be simply through the power of God’s word. “And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was
light” (Gen. 1:3). God’s word spoke creation into existence.

Our words are like the air we breathe. Our words give us life. It’s time to believe in the power of our words and the positive impact they can have on us. Speaking the truth out loud has changed my life, my faith, and my relationships with my family and friends. It has helped me let go of all the times in my childhood when I had no voice and learned to think my only real value was in how I looked or how I performed. Now I know that when I speak, Jesus is listening, even if no one else hears. I know this because of my personal relationship with him. Today, I know that when we speak God’s word, we have supernatural power and authority through Christ. And when we speak God’s words to ourselves, we do a better job of encouraging and uplifting with positive self-talk as we face life’s challenges.”

Today I want to encourage you to examine the words you are speaking to others and to yourself. Let me know in the comments below if you’ve had any experience with speaking God’s word out loud and what it has done for you.


For the month of October I am giving away this beautiful custom-made Worthy of a Miracle necklace. Everyone who shares this blog and any #WorthyofaMiracle #JustLiveToday #ExpectMiracles #SpeakTruth content on social media will be entered to WIN!! If you would like to purchase a Worthy of a Miracle necklace for you or a friend click here!


Preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle here! Read what other’s say about the book hereAre you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

Can we really Expect Miracles?

Do I have to keep training? The marathon is just around the corner, it is soooo close. But some days it’s hard to keep on keeping on. Every day I have to make an intentional decision: train or slack off.

Today I chose to persevere and stay strong.

Tuesday I talked with you about Expect Miracles from the JESUS acronym in my book: Just Live Today, Expect Miracles, Speak Truth, Use Your Gifts, Start Now!

When we think about Expecting Miracles, it really goes back to our mindset. For example, when you wake up each day do you automatically think how can I get through the day and try to find something to be positive about or do you wake up with an expectant mindset … expecting to notice the miracles in your life?

What would it be like if you went through an entire 24 hours expecting miracles all around you?

Let’s take a minute and look around at the miracles right now in front of us. It is a miracle we are alive and breathing! It is a miracle that it is raining! It is a miracle that we have a beautiful world that surrounds us!

When will we shift our perspective from just getting through the day to looking at life expectantly? I know from personal experience that when I live life expectantly my day turns out completely different, full of hope … full of excitement … full of miracles!

Leave a comment and let me know what miracles are you expecting in your life?

I know that six years ago today I was asleep in a coma and my family and friends were believing and expecting God for a miracle. And through their faith and prayers God delivered a miracle! What miracle are you expecting from God today?


For the month of October I am giving away this beautiful custom-made Worthy of a Miracle necklace. Everyone who shares this blog and any #WorthyofaMiracle #JustLiveToday #ExpectMiracles content on social media will be entered to WIN!! If you would like to purchase a Worthy of a Miracle necklace for you or a friend click here!


Preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle here! Read what other’s say about the book hereAre you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.

A Powerful Lesson from Cancer {& Worthy of a Miracle Necklace Giveaway}

Worthy of a Miracle is a two-part book. Part One is about my personal story of God’s physical and spiritual healing in my life. Part Two is more of a guidebook and inspirational practice to deepen our awareness of worthiness and our relationship with Jesus.

Several years ago I woke up in the middle of the night and this acronym popped in my mind. JESUS: Just Live Today, Expect Miracles, Speak Truth, Use Your Gifts, Start Now! I put it in my cell phone and it stayed there for about a year before I ever did anything with it. Then one day when I was really struggling I pulled the acronym out and started journaling about how it applied to my relationship with God. Little did I know that years later this acronym would be in a book! Over the next few weeks I will share more here with you about each letter in the acronym.

This week we are going to focus on the JJust Live Today. Below is an excerpt out of Worthy of a Miracle, Chapter 13.

“When I was diagnosed with cancer and was afraid I was going to die, I wanted my time back. I wanted to undo the days I’d let slip through my hands . . . the slow and sweet moments with my husband, and the simple and silly moments with my daughter. I would sit on my front porch swing with the sinking feeling (the new reality!) that I only had that very hour, that very day. I could not go backward, and I was not guaranteed a future. I just had “today”.

Looking back, I am finally aware of what a tremendous gift it was to recognize that all I had was that single moment.” (pg. 177)

Focusing on today is one of the key points in Part Two of my book. We all struggle in this fast pace world with actually living in the present moment. I personally get so overwhelmed with my “To Do List” and I constantly stay a day ahead or at least a few hours ahead in my mind.

So how do we actually live in the present moment?

Here are my top 5 Just Live Today habits that help me live in the present moment. (Excerpt from Worthy of a Miracle pg. 179)


For the month of October I am giving away this beautiful custom-made Worthy of a Miracle necklace. Everyone who shares this blog and any #WorthyofaMiracle #JustLiveToday content on social media will be entered to WIN!!!!! Leave me a comment and let me know what #JustLiveToday habit you will begin to practice. If you would like to purchase a Worthy of a Miracle necklace for you or a friend click here! 


The WINNER of The Mended Heart by Suzanne Eller is Melissa Chambers who commented on 

Preorder your copy of Worthy of a Miracle here! Read what other’s say about this book hereAre you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on my new client waiting list.

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways.