Breaking Point

Roger's Eye

When is the last time you totally flipped out because you hit a wall of complete exhaustion?  You know that breaking point when life has given you more than you can bear.

Embarrassingly enough, it was just this week for me.  What led me to a not so minor meltdown was living my life waaaaay out of balance.  Lately, I found myself doing too many “good things”.  You see, for some reason we think its ok to stretch ourselves thin when it comes to family, home, friends, volunteering, ministry….


When our life is out of balance, we are playing on the enemy’s field and before we know it we are entangled in weeds of lies and caught wrestling with tremendous frustration and exhaustion.

This week when I found myself in a dark moment of despair, sobbing, and overwhelmed with life, I had a BREAKTHROUGH!

As I was crying out to God, he gently whispered one word to me.  “Excellence”  I know that sounds strange at first, but through that one word, I found a new perspective which led me to a great sense of peace.

I recognized that a core value of mine is to live a life of Excellence, however I’ve fallen really short of this because of doing way too much lately.  As hard as it can be to say no to people or even dreams you may have, it is well worth it because it is impossible to be all things all the time.  Sometimes we have to let go of a few things because it is not the right season in our life.  For me, it’s writing a book.

I came to the understanding that it is time for me to go back to the basics.  That means spending more time with God to find clarity and balance in my day-to-day life.  For you, I’m sure it looks a little different.  I want to encourage you to answer this question today and leave a comment below.

What does living a life of excellence look like to you?

I would love to hear from you!  Also, if you would like to talk with me personally, click here for a complimentary 30 minute coaching call!

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