Help! I Don’t Know How To Connect With God

A significant part of my testimony is that I went to church for years and tried to do the “church thing” but deep down I was struggling because I honestly did not know how to connect with God. It is a really hard thing to admit, especially if you’re already attending church, reading the bible and even leading bible studies! For me personally I couldn’t take it any more and I turned away from it all. I stopped going to church, reading the bible and walked away from all religious organizations I was connected with.

It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom and finally cried to God in my car one day and begged him to become real to me that I truly began a real relationship with Him. And that my friend is the place to start to connect with God and have an intimate relationship with him. We must be desperate for him.

Scripture tells us to, “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” (Psalm 37:4 & Psalm 37: 7) and for us to “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him”

We need to simply be still and sit in the Lord’s presence, with no one else around, just you and him. No matter if it’s in your car, porch, living room, or closet, find that secret place to get away with him. I promise you dear friend that he will show up and you will begin a personal intimate relationship with him.

I love hearing from you! Leave a comment below or email me at


Linda Kuhar coaches women around the globe in building stronger intimate relationships with Christ. As your Christian Life Coach I will empower you to dig deeper than ever before in your relationship with Christ. We have all asked ourselves: “How can I really hear from God?” or “What’s God’s plan for my life?” but struggle to confidently find the answers. During our coaching sessions you will learn how to push through resistance, doubts, fears and uncertainty and immediately begin to move forward. A new life in Christ awaits. Click here to be placed on new client waiting list. 

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 of Worthy of a Miracle.

This week I’ve been listening to this on repeat. I love Kim Walker-Smith’s Throne Room.

Get Off the Crazy Cycle of Emotionally Eating

girlinfieldWe were sitting around the table enjoying a cup of coffee talking about how this is the year we will finally STOP. EMOTIONALLY. EATING.

My girlfriends and I have battled this just about our entire lives, so how in the world will we truly STOP. EMOTIONALLY. EATING this time? How will this year be any different than last? How can we honestly live a balanced healthy lifestyle?

Have you dealt with this struggle? Have you had the same conversations? Have you dreamed of the day you will not run to the pizza, soda, ice cream (fill in the blank with your favorite comfort foods) for relief?

Well I wish I could wave a magic wand for us and ZAP! emotional eating would disappear forever, but you and I know there’s no such thing. Boohoo 🙁

Over the last seven years (since cancer) I’ve learned a lot about myself, especially around my body, my emotions and my health. I tried every type of eating plan under the sun. From spiritual fast, 40 day juice fast, 14 day juice fast, diet programs such as the Hallelujah Diet, Isagenix, Weight Watchers, Whole30, Paleo, eating support groups …. gosh I know I’m forgetting some but you’ve got the picture. No matter how successful I was during any particular plan or program I participated in (often with the all or nothing mindset to boot!), I would eventually fall off the wagon at some point and go back to the same crazy cycle of emotionally eating.

Does this sound familiar to you?

Oh and forget the self-talk that would go on in my mind! “You’re never going to be good enough, you never follow through, just start over Monday, but I’m sure you’ll fail again.” Negative. Negative. Negative.

Well that wasn’t productive in the least! Beating myself up only tore me down more and caused me to be even more self-destructive.

Fast-forward to today, January 2017. How does a person STOP. EMOTIONALLY. EATING you might ask? While I don’t do it seamlessly I can honestly say it begins with 3 simple words: acceptance, accountability and action.

First by accepting I will not do everything perfectly has freed me from the all or nothing mentality. And secondly by receiving that I am accountable to God for how I take care of my health and that I was created to take action (to get moving!) for a greater purpose than just focusing on how I look has been the greatest revelation for my personal healthy lifestyle transformation. I now live within the ebbs and flows of life, not beating myself up anymore for lack of perfection. Each day is a new beginning and fresh start to love myself by nurturing the body God gave me. I really do love my life! And I love sharing this with my Healthy Lifestyle Coaching clients.

I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Have you ever struggled with emotionally eating? 

If you are ready to make this year be Your Year of Consistency with health, food, exercise, relationships or career sign up for my newly released Healthy Lifestyle Coaching package.


Need a quick retreat? To listen to my Live Mini Retreat recording click here!


Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting giveaways and receive Chapter 1 my book Worthy of a Miracle.