When I was journaling this week, I asked God, “What do you think about me?” His response was filled with such loving and sweet life-giving words that it made me feel seen, chosen, unique, and very needed in the world. As He spoke to me through pen on paper, His presence overwhelmed me with peace.
I continued to write in my journal, and I knew the words were not only for me, but for YOU, yes YOU dear reader. I believe God is speaking to you as you read these words right now and this is what He is longing for you to know …
Your life matters. Your voice matters. Your words matter. Your story matters. I need you. I need you to use all your unique gifts to reach the people I’ve chosen for you to reach. I need every child of mine to use their gifts so that I can speak through them. Every voice put together creates my megaphone to the world!
Friend, do you hear that God needs you? He needs me. He needs us to be His mouthpiece to the world.
One-way God often speaks to us is through an echo. When we hear something over and over that is a way God is speaking to us. For example, when you hear a message from a pastor or leader and later you find yourself in a conversation with a friend and you hear them repeating the same thing, that is God speaking and confirming His voice through the echo of another.
If you’re anything like me, you’ve compared yourself to so many others in the world. I’ve had thoughts like my voice really doesn’t matter or look at how successful they are, little ole me is not “that important”. Can you relate? Well friend, that is just not true. Those are lies the enemy likes to whisper in our ear. The truth is, we do matter and God needs us! It is a great big world and God needs every single one of us on the battlefield speaking life and love into others.
So my friend, what will you do with this revelation? I want to invite you to grab a journal and ask God. Maybe begin by writing out one of these questions to Him:
God, what do you think about me?
God, what gifts do you see in me?
God, whose life do I need to speak into today?
After writing out a question to God, continue writing. He will speak to you. I recently finished the book Dialog With God: Opening The Door To Two-Way Prayer in my KINEO Ministry Training Class. I highly recommend it to learn more about journaling with God.
I pray this blog post excites you in your relationship with God and inspires you to connect with Him today. He loves nothing more than communing with you.
I’ve taken a break from writing blog post for a pretty long time but have felt prompted by the Holy Spirit (echoing over and over!) it is time to write. The purpose of my website is to be a place of love and encouragement in building a stronger intimate relationship with Christ. I want to thank you for being a part of this community at lindakuhar.com and I hope you’ll share it with others.

Linda Kuhar coaches women around the globe in building stronger intimate relationships with Christ. As your Christian Life Coach I will empower you to dig deeper than ever before in your relationship with Christ. We have all asked ourselves: “How can I really hear from God?” or “What’s God’s plan for my life?” but struggle to confidently find the answers. During our coaching sessions you will learn how to push through resistance, doubts, fears and uncertainty and immediately begin to move forward. A new life in Christ awaits.
If you are struggling to live out your healing through an intimate relationship with Jesus I recommend contacting me for Christian Life Coaching. It is vital you have support, biblical understanding and accountability to create a solid foundation. Click here to be added to my new client list.