Currently I’m taking a class on How to Study the Bible in my KINEO Ministry Training Class. One easy method I’ve used for years is the devotional method. This method is the first one taught in Rick Warren’s Bible Study Methods, Twelve Ways You Can Unlock God’s Word book. Reading and studying the Bible can be intimidating to many believers. As a Christian life coach, I pray that I can help break down those walls of intimidation and bring an excitement and hunger for everyone to get into God’s word daily.
Okay, so the devotional method is super easy! Be sure to check out Rick Warren’s book to go deeper into this method but for today I want to give you an example of what I like to do.
First, I grab my journal, write the date and pray for the Holy Spirit to guide me and speak to me through God’s word.
Next, I find scripture that speaks to me.
Where do I find scripture to read you might ask? You may be reading a devotional book with suggested bible reading, you may have a bible reading plan you’re following, or you may have scripture your pastor taught on this week and you’re looking it up. These are just a few places I get scripture from.
Once I find the verse(s) that I’m drawn to, I write it in my journal. Today I found these verses as I was reading through my bible reading plan for my KINEO class. As I looked up the cross-reference scriptures (noted at the bottom of the page in my Bible) I came across this passage that jumped off the page to me. Ex. “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” 1 Peter 2:9-10
Next I meditate on the verse(s). I read it over and over. Rick Warren says, “Meditation is essentially thought digestion.” As I read it over and over, I process what the scripture means to me through journaling. I might paraphrase the passage, personalize it or write down what it’s teaching me. Ex. Linda, you are chosen, you are a royal priesthood, you are holy, you belong to God. I praise you God because you called me out of darkness into the light, into your truth. Your truth is that I am chosen. I am royalty. I am holy. I belong to you. Once I was no one, but now I am someone! I am your daughter. I have now received your mercy! Thank you, Jesus for your blood shed on the cross. Thank you, God, for having mercy on me, on my sin. Your mercy removes my misery. I do not have to live feeling miserable because your mercy has covered me. Your mercy frees me.
Then I write out how I will apply this to my life. The revelation of the scripture must be lived out. No application of the Word is like we never read it. Ex. Recently I felt overlooked by three different people in my life that are very important to me. When feelings hit me that I’m not important or I don’t matter to others, I will remember this truth. I am chosen. Also, there are times lately when I’ve felt really bad for not remaining disciplined and following through in areas I know I need to change. Because of this scripture I refuse to agree with condemning thoughts of not being “perfect”, instead I will thank God for His mercy! I no longer have to agree with miserable condemning thoughts, but instead I praise Jesus for mercy!
Finally, I will memorize the verse or a key phrase. In order to live out the Word we need to know the Word. I’ve not spent much time on memorizing scripture word for word (even though that is a goal of mine), however I do have key words and phrases that bubble up in my spirit that I often recall. Ex. I am chosen, I am royalty, I belong. You called me out of darkness and I have received your mercy!
Now if you are reading this, I challenge you to grab your calendar and schedule a 20-minute block of time to practice what you just read or shutting down your electronic device now and do it immediately. Studying the bible will not happen unless you plan too. In order to have an intimate relationship with Christ we must be in His Word. We must know His Word. God tells us in in Hosea 4:6 “my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge”. The truth is the more we know God’s Word, the more we know about ourselves, who we truly are, and that brings an undeniable confidence that cannot be shaken. As Pastor Todd Smith from the North Georgia Revival told me the day I met him, “GET INTO THE WORD”. It will change your life.
Linda Kuhar coaches women around the globe in building stronger intimate relationships with Christ. As your Christian Life Coach I will empower you to dig deeper than ever before in your relationship with Christ. We have all asked ourselves: “How can I really hear from God?” or “What’s God’s plan for my life?” but struggle to confidently find the answers. During our coaching sessions you will learn how to push through resistance, doubts, fears and uncertainty and immediately begin to move forward. A new life in Christ awaits.
If you are struggling to live out your healing through an intimate relationship with Jesus I recommend contacting me for Christian Life Coaching. It is vital you have support, biblical understanding and accountability to create a solid foundation. Click here to be added to my new client list.