Inspirational Coaching Minute

What ways do you connect with God?

Matthew 18:20 states, “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”  

I want to encourage you to find someone to pray with and develop a deeper intimacy with God.  Not everyone is comfortable praying with others, however I want to challenge you to step out of your comfort zone! We must be intentional in our relationship with God.

Everyone who comments on my blog today and Thursday will be entered to win Lysa TerKeurst book, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God.  Join me for the next Online Bible Study as we say YES to God together starting July 28! I will announce the winner on next Tuesday’s Inspirational Coaching Minute.

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What are you desperate for?

I can tell you what I’m desperate for, simply being content with me!

I struggle all to often trying to be something I’m not.  I came to that “aha” moment just this week as I was talking with my life coach.  I discovered that I have been trying to be anything and everything else but ME!

There’s not one particular person I’m trying to be like, rather it’s that image social media tells us we should be.  We are constantly engaged on the Internet and overwhelmed with the latest and greatest expert on any given subject.  And the more I learn from these remarkable influences, there’s a little recording that plays in the back of my mind repeating, ”You’ll never be as good as them, who do you think you are, do you really think you have something to offer?”

My heart has been in the right place all along, to love and encourage women to achieve God’s purpose in their lives. My mind however has been overwhelmed with comparison of the next best thing out in social media land.

Jesus said in John 15:7, If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you.

Truth be told, I’ve been asking whatever I wish and not seeing the results come thru.


Because I’ve been remaining in the world’s standards instead of remaining in Christ.  My thoughts have been focused on what others are doing instead of what God is doing in me.  Surprisingly enough after grasping the concept of this truth and remaining in Christ, I now feel content with ME!  Isn’t it funny when we actually apply scripture to our lives it really does work!

What have you been desperately asking God for and not receiving?

Who will you choose to remain in?

Click the comment link below and share your thoughts with me.  I love hearing from you and how I can pray for you!  And also knowing I’m not alone in this crazy thing called life 🙂

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Linda Kuhar, Women’s Christian Life Coach at 


Inspirational Coaching Minute

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. John 15:7 NIV

How do we remain in Christ?  Believing, Obeying, Loving

What are you in desperate need of?

I encourage you to ask God for it today!

*SPECIAL NOTE: Join me in the next Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Study “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” by Lysa TerKeurst! Sign up at!!! 

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~Coaching women around the world at

Fear of Failure

The fear of failing can be absolutely paralyzing!


I cannot tell you the countless hours I’ve wasted my life away agonizing over looking stupid, afraid of falling flat on my face to windup being labeled a failure.  Not only have I used up valuable mental energy consumed with fear, it also sucks the life out of me physically.

I remember waking up from many weeks in a coma on life support.  Nothing on my body worked.  My muscles were extremely atrophied and no matter how much I thought with my mind, I can move my arms and legs, nothing would happen.  At the time, those were some of the worst days of my entire life!

However, looking back today I can proudly say those were actually some of the best days of my life!


Because I learned to push through the fear and fight for what God wanted for my life.  God not only had plans for me to walk again, but actually to run 13.1 miles a year later!

To overcome fear, it comes down to one little word…CHOICE.  We have a choice to make. Believe the lie that we are powerless or believe the absolute truth; we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Philippians 4:13

Remember, just because we “feel” something doesn’t always mean it’s true!

What choice are you going to make today?  Believe the truth?  Believe the lie?

Leave me a comment today and tell me what you choice you are making.

Coaching women from around the world at

Inspirational Coaching Minute

Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

What are you afraid of?

What is holding you back from moving forward?

Click the comment link below to share with me what you are afraid of today.  I want to pray for you!

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~Coaching women around the world at

Inspirational Coaching Minute

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.


We develop what we focus on.  What’s your focus?  Leave a comment below.

Coaching women from around the world at

Breaking Point

Roger's Eye

When is the last time you totally flipped out because you hit a wall of complete exhaustion?  You know that breaking point when life has given you more than you can bear.

Embarrassingly enough, it was just this week for me.  What led me to a not so minor meltdown was living my life waaaaay out of balance.  Lately, I found myself doing too many “good things”.  You see, for some reason we think its ok to stretch ourselves thin when it comes to family, home, friends, volunteering, ministry….


When our life is out of balance, we are playing on the enemy’s field and before we know it we are entangled in weeds of lies and caught wrestling with tremendous frustration and exhaustion.

This week when I found myself in a dark moment of despair, sobbing, and overwhelmed with life, I had a BREAKTHROUGH!

As I was crying out to God, he gently whispered one word to me.  “Excellence”  I know that sounds strange at first, but through that one word, I found a new perspective which led me to a great sense of peace.

I recognized that a core value of mine is to live a life of Excellence, however I’ve fallen really short of this because of doing way too much lately.  As hard as it can be to say no to people or even dreams you may have, it is well worth it because it is impossible to be all things all the time.  Sometimes we have to let go of a few things because it is not the right season in our life.  For me, it’s writing a book.

I came to the understanding that it is time for me to go back to the basics.  That means spending more time with God to find clarity and balance in my day-to-day life.  For you, I’m sure it looks a little different.  I want to encourage you to answer this question today and leave a comment below.

What does living a life of excellence look like to you?

I would love to hear from you!  Also, if you would like to talk with me personally, click here for a complimentary 30 minute coaching call!

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Lay Down My Pride

Can I be brutally honest with you?  I’ve decided I really do not like Mother’s Day.  Every single flipping year, I fall into the same trap!  In the back of my mind I set unrealistic expectations from the ones I love and create a fantasy of how the day will unfold. I honestly start the day with a thankful attitude of how grateful I am that God has allowed me one more year with my family.  However, as the day progresses I start tallying up everything they did not “do for me” whether it be just the right words of endearment, princess treatment, an array of gifts….

So this year, I once again had the mother of the year-unglued eruption.  I ended up yelling at my husband with my prima donna rights demanding everything that I deserve for all the hard work I do 365 days a year.  And then the very second I shut my mouth I immediately felt that sick empty feeling in the pit of my stomach.  I knew I had once again fallen into that ugly place called pride.  It didn’t take long before I realized what a fool I’d been on yet another Mother’s Day.

How in the world could I fall prey to the devil’s schemes of pride after all the endless love, care, support and encouragement my husband has provided for me throughout our 18 years of marriage?  I mean this is the man that not only stood by my bed side while I was in a coma cheering me on not to give up, ran a household, went to work and cared for our heartbroken daughter while she cried asking him, “Is mommy going to die?”   Honestly, I cannot imagine the load my husband carried just throughout my cancer journey alone, much less the 15 years prior to that ordeal.

So after all that, I had a choice to make. Sit and wallow in guilt and condemnation for my ridiculous behavior or lay down my pride and apologize.  With God’s nudging I chose the latter.  The funny thing is while apologizing to my husband I came to the conclusion what the real problem was all along; I was feeling insecure which led me to put unrealistic expectations on my family.  I realized through this humbling Mother’s Day that I was expecting others to satisfy and fill parts of me that Only God, our Savior can do.  God is the One and Only that can truly satisfy our souls. 

I would like to ask you today, are you putting unrealistic expectations on others to fill parts of you the only God can?  I would love to hear from you, just to know I’m not alone in this 🙂 Leave a comment on the link below.

My Cry to the Lord

This is my personal cry (prayer) to the Lord today as I reflect on Psalm 107:19  “Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress.”  

Holy Father,

I believe You are the ultimate healer of my soul and I claim in Jesus’ name that your Spirit will fall on me today and awaken my soul to your infinite passionate love for me!  I confess in my flesh I struggle, try and aim to please, but in Your Spirit I’m freed from the agony of performing and perfectionism.  Empty me as I confess the lies I’ve believed for oh so long.

Today is the day I’m taking a stand and refusing to look back.  I’m hearing Your voice say, “I do matter and I am someone”.  I choose to believe Your truth, Your voice today.  I can do all things in this life because of Your powerful strength that flows through each breath I take.  I am nothing without You, but I AM everything with You!

I would like to dedicate this prayer to my precious daughter that the Lord has entrusted me with.  May every word of this prayer remain true for each one of us today.

If you have a prayer request, please leave a comment on the link below.  I would like to take time to pray for all my readers today.  God bless you!

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