As we are approaching the end of 2014 you might be saying next year “I’ll do better”
Better at….
Spending time with God
Eating Healthy
Going to church
Getting organized
Managing my finances
Building my business
Making a career change
Studying the bible
Fill in the blank_____________
But year after year we manage to fall into the same old routine and never really change.
One thing I know for certain is when you are ready to make a change in your life you MUST have accountability.
I remember four years ago {before becoming a Christian Life Coach} I set out for the biggest goal of my life … to run a half marathon 13.1 miles.
Just fresh out of chemotherapy, a coma, life support and radiation this was a pretty crazy and audacious goal.
I wasn’t sure if I really could go through with it, if I really could run 13.1 miles. I was afraid to set such a goal and believe I could do it.
Have you ever been afraid to set a big goal?
As the training began I had two necessary components to insure my success, a coach and accountability.
My coach came along side me and believed in me more than I believed in myself, especially on those days when I was ready to throw in the towel. My coach challenged me to dig deep within myself and connect to my inner strength. My coach encouraged me every time I hit the pavement to give it all I had. But the most important gift my coach gave me was accountability.
Accountability is the secret sauce to success.
Because of my coach and being accountable to someone other than myself I crossed the 13.1-mile finish line on September 5, 2010. A huge victory!
Because of my personal experience in training for my half marathon I discovered the deepest desire of my heart … coaching. Today it is a privilege to serve women around the world as I coach them in achieving their goals. I love my work!
Whether you already have a goal in mind or you’re afraid to even set a goal I want to stretch you today. Dig deep.
What is that one goal you wish more than anything to achieve next year?
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What do clients have to say about their personal coaching experience? Read here.
Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Writer, Speaker, and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions about the coaching experience.