How To Keep Your Healing Interview with Pastor Karen Smith

What is our role in the healing process? Do we have a responsibility in staying healed? Are there tools for us to use in stewarding our healing? In this interview with Pastor Karen Smith from the North Georgia Revival we discuss these questions and ways to equip us to live out our healing and freedom in Christ.

In my personal life I take this as my number one responsibility in living fully healed and set free. I do not have time to waste in living a passive life. If you are struggling to live out your healing through an intimate relationship with Jesus I recommend contacting me for Christian Life Coaching. It is vital you have support, biblical understanding and accountability to create a solid foundation. Click here to be added to my new client list.

Linda Kuhar coaches women around the globe in building stronger intimate relationships with Christ. As your Christian Life Coach I will empower you to dig deeper than ever before in your relationship with Christ. We have all asked ourselves: “How can I really hear from God?” or “What’s God’s plan for my life?” but struggle to confidently find the answers. During our coaching sessions you will learn how to push through resistance, doubts, fears and uncertainty and immediately begin to move forward. A new life in Christ awaits.


Watch the BIBLE THAT LEAKS OIL & of course MORE about the North Georgia Revival.

Interview with Pastor Karen Smith

On January 12 this year I was sitting in this audience at a Women’s Conference listening to Pastor Karen Smith preach on strongholds of the mind. I had no idea that moments later my life would be completely radically transformed and I WOULD NEVER BE THE SAME! That I would be supernaturally touched by God’s tangible Presence and that would propel my life forward to operate in miracles, signs and wonders as my heart had always desired. I had no idea that I would get to development a relationship with this incredible woman of God. That we would instantly have a sisterhood to run this race together. I love this woman. SHE IS A POWERHOUSE!

In this interview learn about the significance of water baptism. You will learn about traditional baptism and the difference of the MIRACLES happening in the baptismal at the North Georgia Revival. To learn more about the North Georgia Revival visit 

Linda Kuhar coaches women around the globe in building stronger intimate relationships with Christ. As your Christian Life Coach I will empower you to dig deeper than ever before in your relationship with Christ. We have all asked ourselves: “How can I really hear from God?” or “What’s God’s plan for my life?” but struggle to confidently find the answers. During our coaching sessions you will learn how to push through resistance, doubts, fears and uncertainty and immediately begin to move forward. A new life in Christ awaits. Click here to be placed on new client waiting list. 

Interview with Pastor Todd Smith

Do you believe in MIRACLES? Watch my interview with North Georgia’s Revival Pastor Todd Smith. At this revival you cannot deny the real life tangible Presence of the Almighty God of the universe. If you desire to encounter Jesus like never before the North Georgia Revival at Christ Fellowship Church Dawsonville is a must! You can watch every Sunday at 6pm EST on Facebook Live at Christ Fellowship Church Dawsonville. It’s unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. It’s simply nothing but the Presence of Jesus’s love, healing, redemption and restoration. You will never be the same after this encounter.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram to get updates on future events. I’m thrilled to introduce you to my friend, mentor and ministry partner who has allowed me the opportunity to sit along side her countless hours soaking up the wisdom and teaching of prayer and healing ministry. If you desire to learn how to pray effectively with power and authority you don’t want to miss this conversation on Facebook Live next Tuesday, April 16 at 2pm EST.

Linda Kuhar coaches women around the globe in building stronger intimate relationships with Christ. As your Christian Life Coach I will empower you to dig deeper than ever before in your relationship with Christ. We have all asked ourselves: “How can I really hear from God?” or “What’s God’s plan for my life?” but struggle to confidently find the answers. During our coaching sessions you will learn how to push through resistance, doubts, fears and uncertainty and immediately begin to move forward. A new life in Christ awaits. Click here to be placed on new client waiting list. 

This song is so beautiful, Defender by Rita Springer. I had no idea that 2019 I would encounter Jesus in such a fresh radical way at the North Georgia Revival. He goes before us and wins every victory in our lives.

Watch Me on FB Live Tomorrow

I’m so excited to talk with Pastor Todd Smith from Christ Fellowship Church Dawsonville, GA tomorrow (Tuesday, March 19) on Facebook LIVE! Listen to all the exciting things God is doing through the North Georgia Revival. This revival has personally touched my life in the most radical amazing life changing way over the last few months. I was in love with Jesus prior to experiencing the revival but I NOW KNOW AND EXPERIENCE JESUS MORE THAN EVER IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!! 

My life and ministry are better than I could ever hoped, dreamed or imaged!! If you have not experienced the North Georgia Revival it is a must! You can watch what is happening on their Facebook page here Christ Fellowship Church Dawsonville.

Also I highly recommend ordering Pastor Todd Smith’s book He Sat Down. In Mark 16:19-20After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.20 Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.” This book is a revelation on what God’s purpose truly is for us as the church. We are to carry out on this earth Jesus’ plans and purposes because HE SAT DOWN, the baton has been passed to us. It is time to arise church because we have work to do. It’s time to truly be the hands and feet of God.

Linda Kuhar coaches women around the globe in building stronger intimate relationships with Christ. As your Christian Life Coach I will empower you to dig deeper than ever before in your relationship with Christ. We have all asked ourselves: “How can I really hear from God?” or “What’s God’s plan for my life?” but struggle to confidently find the answers. During our coaching sessions you will learn how to push through resistance, doubts, fears and uncertainty and immediately begin to move forward. A new life in Christ awaits. Click here to be placed on new client waiting list. 

My Life Is Wrecked

Over the last two weeks my life has literally been wrecked. Wrecked in the best way I could ever dream. It was totally unexpected. I had no idea that I was on the tipping point of the most radical breakthrough of my life.

Tell me more, I can hear you saying as you are reading these words on your screen.

You see I’ve been in a pretty “good” place over the last year or so. My family, friends, health, and career have over all been going well. My relationship with God has been growing and I’ve been in a pretty “good” place. Something shifted towards the end of last year when the Lord spoke and asked me to follow Him closer and His plans for my life. I questioned it for a moment, but I decided that obedience to His voice is always the better path to take. No matter if it makes sense to me or not, it is ALWAYS better to follow Him.

Little by little the more I listened to His nudges and followed His promptings in my spirit, the more He blessed me. He blessed me by expanding my heart and making it more like His. He blessed me by touching others through my words of encouragement. He blessed me by using my hands to heal the sick. He blessed me by using my finances to grow His kingdom.

But that was just the beginning. I had no clue what was right around the corner, the radical blessings He was about to pour out on me. I was on the edge of glory and I had no idea! What did I do to deserve such goodness, such mercy, such love?

Dear reader, I don’t have enough words to explain the touch of Jesus Christ I experienced two weeks ago. It was real. It was tangible. It was audible. It was physical. It was emotional. It was spiritual. It was lavishing. It was breathtaking. It was personal. It was the intersection of heaven and earth colliding.

I am wrecked.

My every moment is consumed with His presence. I am new. I am different.

His voice is clearer than it has ever been. His touch is tangible. His presence is consuming.

I attended the North Georgia Revival and that is when the glory came. I continue to soak in God’s supernatural glory every day since. I don’t understand it. I simply keep pressing in, yielding to His Presence day by day, hour by hour.

I know this holy goodness is not just for me. It is for YOU reading this screen.

You might be asking how do I get this Linda? What do I need to do? The only thing I can tell you is GET IN HIS PRESENCE. Do whatever it takes to seek His glory. I do recommend attending the North Georgia Revival. I cannot recommend it enough!! This revival was and is the pivotal point for me. God’s Presence is heavily saturating that place. It’s beyond anything you can imagine. And if you cannot attend the revival, then get with other hungry followers of Jesus Christ and pray. There is power when two or more are gathered in His name. Matthew 18:20 His presence will come. Thirst for Him. Press in. Seek His glory. He is ready to release His miracles within you.

Linda Kuhar coaches women around the globe in building stronger intimate relationships with Christ. As your Christian Life Coach I will empower you to dig deeper than ever before in your relationship with Christ. We have all asked ourselves: “How can I really hear from God?” or “What’s God’s plan for my life?” but struggle to confidently find the answers. During our coaching sessions you will learn how to push through resistance, doubts, fears and uncertainty and immediately begin to move forward. A new life in Christ awaits. Click here to be placed on new client waiting list. 

Purchase your signed copy of Linda’s book, Worthy of a Miracle here. 

2 Minute Weekly Challenge

“I recommend that you not only purposely think right thoughts, but that you go the extra mile and speak them aloud as your confession.” Joyce Meyer, Battlefield of the Mind

Last Tuesday I gave you a 2 minute challenge to set the timer and speak confessions aloud. It worked so well for so many that as your Christian life coach I want to challenge you to do it again with these new 25 I am confessions!

Many of us have different strongholds in our mind. Strongholds form when we believe a lie. We want to be intentional to breakdown all strongholds we have in our mind and replace them with 100% truth! As I type this right now, I am praying for every person that reads this to experience God’s tangible love as your read aloud every truth. Jesus Christ has all power and authority to heal and deliver you from every single lie that has been spoken against you.

Please do not rush this process. Absorb every truth you read slowly below. Grab your cell phone and set your timer for 2 minutes.


Set …


I am God‘s beloved.

I am beautiful.

I am chosen.

I am holy.

I am set apart.

I am sanctified.

I am worthy.

I am the bride of Christ.

I am victorious.

I am loved.

I am adored.

I am enough.

I am goodness.

I am the temple of Christ.

I am goodness.

I am purified.

I am the mind of Christ.

I am valuable.

I am peace.

I am kindness.

I am joyful.

I am self-control.

I am faithful.

I am God’s truth.

I am all things new because Christ lives within me.


I’m still wrecked by what I experienced this weekend at the North Georgia Revival. I cannot recommend this revival enough. The old is gone and the new has come. I cannot explain the healing I received and the fire that burns in me to share the gospel. Already today the Lord used me to pray with a friend and she was set free!! Get to the revival and if you cannot get there then get in the Lord’s presence. Run to Him. He wants to touch you personally. He wants to free you from every wrong thought, fear, insecurity, illness, stronghold, etc. He is waiting for you! He loves you more than you could ever imagine. We want more and more of you Lord!!

Linda Kuhar coaches women around the globe in building stronger intimate relationships with Christ. As your Christian Life Coach I will empower you to dig deeper than ever before in your relationship with Christ. We have all asked ourselves: “How can I really hear from God?” or “What’s God’s plan for my life?” but struggle to confidently find the answers. During our coaching sessions you will learn how to push through resistance, doubts, fears and uncertainty and immediately begin to move forward. A new life in Christ awaits. Click here to be placed on new client waiting list.