Make It A Priority {Giveaway WINNER Announced}

What are you doing to make the most out of your time today?

What are you choosing to make a priority?

Usually if we don’t put it on our schedule it will not get done. I want to encourage you to be intentional with your time and plan your day.

Leave me a comment and let me know what are you doing to make the most out of your time today?

CONGRATULATIONS to Merrill Mountan who commented on 

Are you tired of procrastinating and ready to get over that hurdle and accomplish your goals? Click here to be placed on the new client waiting list.

Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Author, Speaker and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions about the experience.

What clients have to say about their personal coaching experience? Read here. 

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