Have you been overwhelmed, exhausted, discouraged or just down right defeated? What do you typically do when you feel like God does not hear your prayers?
For me, I would like to say since I’m a “Christian Life Coach” I wait patiently on the Lord and trust He will provide for my every need. Well that would be a big fat lie! There are times I go through a cycle that goes something like this. The problem arises, I run to a friend, process it to death, grab some form of sweet fluffy carbs to eat my troubles away, toss and turn during long sleepless nights and then finally as a last resort go to God in absolute despair.
Why in the world do we put ourselves through such anguish when we can simply turn to Jesus, the Prince of Peace? My excuse has been, I’m human and my natural tendency is to run in rebellion instead of running to God. Just last week after fighting and trying to convince God that He did not love me or care about my situation He proved me wrong once again. He showed up in my weakest hour. He graced me with His presence and provided hope for me when I could only see darkness.
Isaiah 30:15 reads,
“Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength.
When reading about the Israelites in the Old Testament and how they would trust God for a period and then completely disbelieve everything about Him, gives me hope. Hope to know that even though I question God and rebel at times, He remains the same no matter what I think or how I feel.
I would like to encourage you today that no matter what you think or feel about God and the trials you go through just be real with Him. Tell Him when you don’t believe in Him. Tell Him when you doubt His goodness in your life. Ask Him to forgive your disbelief. Once we are completely real with God, that’s when we find rest. That’s when we find quietness in our souls and become confident of who God says He is.
Leave a comment today in the link below about your times of disbelief and how God proved Himself to you.
Honored to Coach women at www.lindakuhar.com!