There is something that happens within our souls when we are intentional about meeting with the Lord, especially when we seek the Him in reverence. It’s as if the world stands still and time stops. It is holy ground. There is nothing more sacred.
It is easy to fall into the trap of going through the motions in our quiet time with reading, journaling, a little prayer and off to the day we run. But what happens when we truly seek our Father, the Creator of the universe in awe and wonder? What shifts when we walk into our time with Him in complete reverence, when we show God profound honor and respect by literally falling before Him on our face?
Everything that is bottled up in our soul (mind, will, emotions) comes rushing out and often times in tears. We have no words, just complete adoration.
If this is something you are not familiar with, I want to encourage you to click on the music below and go before the King in complete reverence. He wants to meet with you. He wants to love on you. Will you spend time loving on Him?
There is nothing greater in the entire universe than intimacy with God. I pray spending time in reverence of our most precious loving Savior will always remain top priority.
If you are struggling to live out your faith and healing through an intimate relationship with Jesus, I recommend contacting me for Christian Life Coaching. It is vital you have support, biblical understanding and accountability to create a solid foundation. Click here to be added to my new client list.

Mark your calendar for my next FREE Speaking In Tongues, Your Secret Weapon study on May 5, 12 and 19 at 7pm EST via zoom!

What clients are saying about working with Linda Kuhar (click here to read over 40 testimonies)~
“Upon first speaking with Linda on our introductory call, I found her to be completely genuine, attentive, and focused on what I was concerned with and how she could best assist me in reaching my goals. Linda made me feel completely comfortable speaking about anything, which is something needed when trying to get to some of those root problems. Throughout my sessions with Linda, she would always check in on me, encouraging me with daily devotions, and also give me some assignments which she held me accountable. I was very thankful for her accountability, as discipline is not something I am the best at. I looked forward to my weekly sessions with Linda, as I could tell my work with her was helping me become stronger each week. Not only is Linda positive and encouraging, but she is honest, and encourages you to be honest with yourself and do some self-examination. I am truly thankful to Linda for taking the time to help me through some things, and I thank God for bringing her into my life, just when I needed it.” Sara W., VA
“Linda is amazing! She’s genuine, the real deal! In each call you can hear it in her voice how much she genuinely cares & has a deep desire to help. She’s positive & uplifting, encouraging & supportive. Linda will even be the first to tell you that it all comes from God & not her, that she is God’s vessel being used by him to bring his words to you.” Tricia D., IN
“I gained clarity about my talents and priorities, and was able to regain a sense of serenity, which is priceless! I am so grateful that Linda was able to walk with me through a challenging time with kindness, empathy and humor.” Cassie C., NJ