How I Used Being Embarrassed To My Advantage


Hot flushed face. Sweaty palms. Shaky voice. Embarrassment.

We’ve all been there. Whether we did it to ourselves or someone else is to blame.

Isn’t it the worst?

We do everything in our power to avoid feeling embarrassed. Whether it’s making sure we are not the only one walking into the party alone or giving excuses as to why Susie Q is dressed the way she is.

Just thinking about being embarrassed for half a second makes my stomach churn.

But what if we could use embarrassment to our advantage?

When I was training for my very first half-marathon with Team In Training, I learned how embarrassment could actually become my friend instead of that dreadful nemesis.

I was committed to raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphomas Society so I asked for donations from all my friends and family to support me.

After sending out a ton of letters I realized there was no turning back. I was stuck! I had to follow through with my commitment; otherwise I was going to be completely embarrassed.

No matter how tuff training got I refused to give up. People had donated money to support me. My hands were tied. There was no way, no how I was going to be a quitter. I wanted to honor my word and of course their money!

By putting myself out there, to the point of embarrassment actually worked to my advantage. It kept me motivated. It kept me accountable. And procrastination was nowhere on the radar.

From this experience I learned a simple tool that keeps me accountable today.

Social accountability.

When I really want to achieve a goal, I will put myself out there every time. I will announce it to the world, even though it makes me want to throw up at first!

But hey, it works! It keeps me accountable.

Social accountability pushes me out of my comfort zone and soaring into great results.

I want to challenge you today friend.

What goal are you ready to achieve? You know the one that makes you a little queasy when you think about it.

I’d love to hear about it. Everyone who comments will be entered to WIN a special devotional book from Lysa TerKeurst, What Happens When Women Say Yes to God.


Journal with God: Write to God in your journal and tell him what you’re most afraid of when it comes to your goals and dreams.

shareyourlove*New client waiting list: I do schedule a brief call prior to accepting new clients to determine if we will be a good fit to work together. I will have a few openings early March. Click here to schedule a time. Due to limited availability appointments fill up fast.

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Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Author, Speaker and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions about the experience.

What clients have to say about their personal coaching experience? Read here.  

7 Simple Truths to Accountability {that will hit you in the gut}

Almost five years ago I learned one of the most valuable lesson of my life.

Every time I think about it I almost have to catch my breath. This lesson lives within the central core of my beliefs, deep in my heart, permanently etched on my mind.

Just five months fresh off of life support and three months out of radiation I joined Team In Training with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to run my very first half marathon. It was thrilling to think about getting my body back into shape after the hell it had been through the previous year with chemotherapy, antibiotics, steroids, paralytics, and many more drugs.

I had no idea how in the world I was going to achieve such an enormous goal, 13.1 miles. But looking back I now see the unique thread that brought this dream of mine to fruition.


I did not understand then what I am fully aware of now.

Accountability works!

Anytime I set out to achieve a goal or even the slightest lifestyle change, the guaranteed formula for a successful result is staying accountable!

Here are 7 Simple Truths to Accountability that will give you a little gut check on why we must invest in accountability.

1) If we want to grow and make a lasting difference in our life we must maintain accountability. It is vital.

2) Accountability means showing up for yourself ­– living your best possible life right now, today!

3) Accountability shows respect towards others, and you are honoring yourself with self-respect when exercising accountability.

4) Accountability oozes from your core values, your character. Integrity. Honesty. Beliefs. Truths. Standards.

5) Accountability means you are stepping up to the plate and taking responsibility for yourself. There’s no more room for excuses, for blame or for a lack of better words laziness.

6) We are accountable for how we spend our time. We all get 24 hours a day, no one gets more, and no one gets less. It’s our choice how we choose to spend it.

7) And finally accountability and procrastination do not occupy the same space. Which one do you choose to partner with?

Starting February 1st I am offering a FREE 28 Day Accountability Group. This group will be a small community to support and encourage one another. We will grow and learn from each other while moving towards our individual goals. It’s an opportunity to invest in ourselves. If you would like to join us, click here to sign up. Please invite your friends and share on your social media sites. Don’t crumble up and throw away your 2015 goals yet if you’ve fallen off the wagon because together we can make them happen!

Leave a comment today and let me know if you’ve joined the group and what you are most excited about over the next 28 days!


Congratulations to the WINNER Susan Carlson of Keep It Shut by Karen Ehman who commented on 

Click here to subscribe to my blog for future inspiration and exciting give aways!

Linda Kuhar is a Certified Christian Life Coach, Board Certified Life Coach, Certified Human Behavior Consultant, Author, Speaker and Mentor. Click here to learn more about coaching with Linda & frequently asked questions about the experience.

What clients have to say about their personal coaching experience? Read here.